Happy New 420 Friend Shandar


New Member
Good Friday Folks! I'm Shandar and am new to the community and have high hopes for it's future. It seems the momentum is unstoppable and it's so great so many people are participating in the forum discussions. It's fun to exercise my civil rights, while hopefully helping build a healthier place for future generations.

How are things in Alaska 10 days after the election? What's the mood like? I'm live in California and am excited to see legalization heading for the ballot again here in 2016 - I think we're finally going to get it done.

:welcome: and warm hugs:hug:
Welcome to 420 Shandar! Go Cali in 2016! Legalization in AK last week was an awesome experience - it was so kewl watching the votes trickle in from the precincts and to see legalization ahead by a touchdown the whole way. They are still counting another 30,000 absentee ballots and the numbers continue to improve! My understanding is that a huge majority of the annual attendees to the AK Federation of Natives this year voted absentee. I cannot wait to grow outside! See ya around in 420! Cheers

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