Half Of The Leaf Turning Light Green To Brown


New Member
Hello Guys,

I need immeadiate help for this plant. I could not figure out what problem is and could not find any post related to this problem. It spreads fast. You can see all transmissions in picture. First, half of leaf turns to light green and then turn to brown.

There is not any bugs around the plant. It is growing in soil and getting nutrients on its schedule. Everything was fine until this last week. I have been facing with this problem for a week. I do not know ph level because until now i did not need it. This week the only difference was I added liquid carbo load because it is in flowering stage for 2-3 weeks. That is why I will not use carbo load for this week. Maybe problem occur because of this nutrition. I am keeping them in a small dark room at midnight for flowering stage and this room is a little bit hot. I thought maybe heat stress might be the problem but I searched for heat stress and I could not see relation with my problem. I think, my plant is sick and i do not know how to cure it.

I really appreciate for your help from now. Thank you.

Looks to me that it has a sudden severe magnesium deficiency. Your ph could be the cause of this for sure, what nutrients are you using and at what strength? I suspect your ph is to low.

I use advanced nutrients jungle juice grow micro bloom. 4ml/L for each. Last week I added 2ml/L liquid carbo load. I guess this one is too much for the plant. Probably I will buy a tool for ph
Monitoring PH is a huge part of the puzzle, liquid carbo load should not of caused that problem. How often are you feeding at full strength?

I feed it once a week. Should I decrease the amount? Nutrients' website suggest 4ml/L for each. I just try to obey this rule but could not understand why I had this ph problem
Starting to wonder if phosphorus is being locked out. Full does is high for AN but they seem to be handling it. Your ph has to be out, can't see it lacking at full strength. You need to check the ph of your run off or do a slurry test.

As far as I know, adding more nutrients cause low ph value. I also read that nitrogen can lock out magnesium. Thus, I will decrease nitrogen because it is already in flowering stage. At least I think I might also increase ph value by decreasing amount of salt comes from nutrients. Moreover, I will try to get a ph meter and write the result here.

Thank you so much for your help Suntana. I really appreciate it :Namaste:
looks like some sun or lightburn

These days I check it regularly and I guess this problem looks like stopped for now after flushing session. It seems ph problem to me as well because as far as I know light burn of sun burn occurs at the top of the plant but mainly I see this problem middle part of plant but of course there is same symptom at the top but less than middle.

By the way I realized yestarday that there were really small bugs got stuck on plant's stem and I do not know what kind of bug it is. It looks like cannot move or can move really slowly because I killed 3-4 of them easily. I do not know this is related to my problem.
I checked ph of water(around 7) and ph of water after i added nutrients (>7). Is not this strange? Because if this is the case, why i did not see any iron deficiency or something else? Is it because ph level of water decrease in soil? This time to decrese ph level, I added some lemon drops to water. I will check difference next time.
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