Gummies from tincture/ rso, consistency and mixing help


New Member
I've been making gummies using a concentrate and whilst I am loving them I am wondering if there is a way to mix the thick oil better into the gummy mix.

Once set most of the moulds will have little dark dots of the oil concentrate collect at the bottom.

Have only mixing by hand. Would a stick blender be better? Or a small blender like below?

Last time I finished it seemed like my mixing bowel was covered in that oil as opposed to going into the gummies.
You can try cutting your thick oil first with a bit of olive oil or mct oil to get it into a more runny state. And adding a fat to your concentrate will probably make it be more effectively absorbed by the body. And, speaking of which, adding a little bit of sunflower lecithin will help as well. :thumb:
Thanks, I've heard of people adding a bit of oil and does makes sense. I assume shelf stability would take a bit of hit, though can easily store in the fridge or freezer (presently I'm useless lemon juice concentrate and potassium sorbate as mould inhibeters).

Both times I've made I used powdered sunflower lechtin, first time I added the granules direct and mixed.. Some didn't dissolve fully so strained the mix, second time I used a small amount of water and pre mixed into a paste then added to the oil concentrate (definitely could have mixed them both together for longer).

Really rate edibles and the gummies are perfect for me, can make a batch and they'll last a good length of time and that's including lots of gifting.

First time I ended with a lot more concentrate (had previously done a golden dragon/ quick wash with a good proportion of the green dragon being made up of the 'spent' material). I also used added partially described bud as well as uncarbed old bud so a real smogasbord. My thinking was I was more likely to pick up the full spectrum of THC's etc and CBD -cbn etc. Bit off the wall!

Second time (the lime colour batch) was straight decarb then green

I extract mine in coconut or olive oil and don't fully decarb as I want the acidic versions of the cannabinoids as well.

Just keep good notes on your various mixes so you can recreate the one that is perfect for you!
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