Guerrilla Growing Advice


New Member
Hello 420 Members,

I am new to growing but not new to the bud sceen. I am planning on growing guerrilla style in a near by wooded area. I have read extensive posts and articles on this type of growing but i still have a few questions. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

So here is the deal. I bought 8 feminized seeds off a seed bank. I bought a cheap greenhouse to germinate them in but after reading about the process i am a bit skeptical. Should i just stick the seeds in the pallets and hope they grow or should i use the paper towel method and then transplant them to the medium? This may seem like a stupid question but i would hate to ruin my crops because of this: when the white root pops out, should i plant that gowing down into the soil or up towards the sun? Also if i should use the paper towel method, when should i move them to a temperary growing cup? Should the cups be left in direct sunlight outside or when should they be moved to direct sunlight? About how long should I leave them in the cups before I move them to the guerilla site for good?

I know these are alot of questions but any help would be greatly appreciated.

You could use a paper towl in a jar method to germinate them (to get the tap roots exposed), Once they are exposed, then stick them with the roots facing down into the dirt about a half inch deep or so and cover. if your doing a guerilla grow, I would use the paper towel method, to seed BAGS not cups filled with medium because since your trying to be stealth, you could easily cut the bottoms of the bags out and stick them in the dirt versus packing cups to your site and then having to worry about getting rid of them not to mention one less thing you have to worry about having to take with you on your way out. I normally move them to their temp. site as soon as I see the tap root become visible..then let them grow there for a week or two untill they have a couple sets of leaves and then moved to their final location..I would try to get the best medium possible (ie fox farms) so that you have less worry about your nute intake for your plants as FF soils are excellent grow mediums versus regular dirt or Miracle Grow (MG for short) soil, though I have found that MG organic garden soil does great for being a mainstream far as nutes go, what do you have in plan? I have used MG nutes for tomatoes in a pinch and my first few grows and didnt have access to "official nutes" for my babies. I halved what they told me to use since i was still kinda timid of putting MG nutes in with my babies, and to help prevent nute burn forwhich MG is famous for. Ive found bone meal and blood meal (both readily available at most garden stores like walmart and lowes hardware) ammended to the soil does wonders, not to mention the all powerful bat quano come flowering along with either bone meal or blood meal ( you have to use whichever one is more favorable to veg or flowering..I cant remember which is used for which time period but just go by the NPK rating for far as N for veg and P for flowering..
Jack gave good advice on getting started.

I guerrilla grew for years. Unless the natural soil is very good, you'll have to pack some in. Scatter the dirt you dig out of the hole. No evidence. Put some time release nutes (like Osmocote) in the bottom, then put in the new dirt. You don't want to have to keep packing stuff in.

Osmocote also makes some water retention balls, they keep you from carrying so much water. 8lbs a gallon add up.

After you've planted, make a little dish in the dirt around the plant. It helps any rain stay there for a little longer.

Cover the new dirt with leaves, sticks, whatever's in the area. You've gotta keep it natural.

Read up on topping.

Above all, keep your visits to a minimum, and never go the same way twice. No paths. And, never leave anything behind.

It's a great thing to do, and very satisfying, to boot. Great luck.

PS the little mantra in my signature helps them stay invisible<G>

Thank you for responding!

I have a few more questions though. When i first move the seeds to the cups/baggies, what type of cycle should i use for leaving them outside (Like how much sun and when)? I do not have access to a light so I plan on using the sun to grow them in their pots. Also I plan on using an irrigation system in the guerrilla site to water. So should i use plain water in this system and then come once a week to use a fertilizer mixture?

All help is appreciated
you would be fine with leaving them outside in a sunny spot, and as long as there is no frost or freeze warning, you could get away with leaving them out there day and night. The morning sun is warm but not hot, and is softer then an afternoon sun. So you want to find an area that gets 5-6 hours of sunlight, and SOME shade after that so you babies dont bake under the sun. yes use plain water aka distilled water..dont use tap water because it contains chemicals that make it safe to drink and stuff..and then once a week add your fert or whatever it says to use for a feeding pattern. As far as the bag idea goes...make sure when you get ready to plant them into the grown to cut the bottoms out and put slits into the side of the bag so roots have more then one or two ways to escape the bag...that being said they make gardening bags for this purpose...
In my opinion, you don't have enough experience to attempt a guerrilla grow. I'm not trying to be an ass or anything, but you had to ask how to germinate seeds...

My advice is to try an indoor grow first, just a few plants... until you get the hang of it. Also, try doing some searches on google for "how to grow marijuana" - You are asking some pretty basic questions here that have been answered already, multiple times over.
In my opinion, you don't have enough experience to attempt a guerrilla grow. I'm not trying to be an ass or anything, but you had to ask how to germinate seeds...

My advice is to try an indoor grow first, just a few plants... until you get the hang of it. Also, try doing some searches on google for "how to grow marijuana" - You are asking some pretty basic questions here that have been answered already, multiple times over.

Respectfully disagreeing, I think outdoors, unless there's a chance of getting ripped off or popped, is a great place to start. Sounds like it's pretty safe if it's gonna be irrigated.

He's got to start somewhere, and asking questions here is a big step forward.

I'm doing my first indoor grow, and it seems a lot harder to dial in than setting up outside.

Plus outdoors, you get to soak yourself in Deet... bonus high LOL
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