Growing with roommates. Question!


New Member
Located near Sacramento, CA.

I am looking to move out this summer with a few of my buddies, maybe 2 or 3 other people renting a house or apartment with me.

I am looking to also grow marijuana with my medical card, is that legal to do in the same house as my friends? And if so, what can I do to stay the safest?
Any precautions I should take?

I'm not a big party-er so nobody but whoever is living with me will know I am growing and even those 2 or 3 friends wouldn't be telling anyone because they are scared themselves to get into trouble. (of course, this isn't always fool-proof, but nobody is really selfish about it and most of us don't always like to admit we smoke daily)

I am just wondering the legalities on this situation and peoples opinions on the situation. My other friends could possibly get a MMJ card, but don't particularly use MMJ for its medical purposes, like i do. And i'm not expecting to do much, if any, sharing of marijuana. I'm not looking to get into trouble and be another example to everyone of why MMJ shouldn't be legalized because I know first-hand of its medical value.

So anyone's opinions? Good idea? Bad idea? Legal? Illegal? Etc?
Let me know, please.

If it's somewhat legal, but a bad idea, I could use some ideas that will lower my chances of getting caught.

Thanks ahead,
We actually all decided we would get our medical cards, apparently everyone else has medical reasons they use marijuana for. Although, marijuana isn't there medicine of choice, it does help them and we are just looking to be as safe as possible.

We aren't here to rebel against the law or anything, we wish to follow the laws so we will all be getting our cards before we start growing.

My question now is, how much can we legally grow?
I'm scared that if we get busted they aren't going to believe us if we all have plants in one house.
I'm not 100% sure, but i'd imagine if like 100 guys with marijuana cards lived in a giant warehouse, they wouldn't all be able to grow weed inside it at once... because that would be a whole lot of plants.

so thats what im wondering... now. how to be safe about it with other medical users in the house and what exactly i should be doing.

And am i allowed to give them weed if i purchased it?
Can i share medication? or not?
And if thats the case, can we just "share" the plants so that we can all smoke from it during harvest?

We just are looking for ideas and suggestions to make it less likely that we get busted, because I know cops are just aching for a house of 3-4 medical growers in it.

Just looking to go about it in the safest way possible...

I would suggest looking up Prop 215 / sb 420 and reading it extensively, it will answer all your questions you have.
You will want to put copies of everyone's MMJ recommendation in your grow area. Make sure they are in plain sight where if someone were to see the plants (like a cop), the recommendations can't be missed. You'll all also want to make sure your have the original MMJ recommendation on hand if necessary. Even better if you have the state MMJ ID card.

Also make sure you make or buy a really good carbon filter to remove the smell. The general guidelines of prop215/sb420 is 6 mature OR 12 immature plants AND 8 oz of processed bud PER patient. Basically you and your friends would be forming a small co-op so make sure everyone understands what the limits are and to make claim on their stash. Everyone needs to understand the laws otherwise you risk getting screwed over if one or some of your buddies gets pressured into saying all of the MJ is yours. If that happens and the MJ exceeds your limits, you're gonna be hating life.

There is no clear definition regarding the 6 mature OR 12 immature so be careful with that. Does it mean you can have 5 mature and 6 immature? Who the heck knows, but with 4 people in there, I dont think you should have a problem meeting your needs without coming close to your combined limits.

Another thing, dont go testing your MMJ rights when it comes to the cops. Most cops are ignorant to the actual laws and will harrass and possibly confiscate your bud and detain you until they are corrected. In which case, you'll burn up a lot of time and possibly money to prove that they are wrong and you will get no compensation for their ignorance.

Make sure everyone knows not to allow any cops to enter the house. If one ever comes to the door, you step outside and close the door behind you so that they cannot screw you over with "probable cause" if they smell or see any MJ related stuff. Don't fall for the "if you don't have anything to hide, do you mind if I take a look around" trick. You have a right to your privacy and they cannot enter without a warrant or probable cause. Also do not allow anyone in who is or may be on probation. People on probation lose most of their privacy rights and may cause you problems if a parole officer comes looking for them at your place.
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