Growing taller...


New Member
Okay I know that I could make a plant grow bushier by F.I.M but can I make a plant grow vertical rather than horizontal with another method?
By the way, FIM stands for Fuck I Missed. The technique was discovered by accident when a guy was trying to top his plant and multiple stems grew from the cut area.
I wish I was blazed lol. I don't have to much sideways space, I have way more height space. Is there any method kinda of like F.I.M, that would make a plant grow tall instead of short and bushy. I just want the biggiest yeild possible. I would have used the F.I.M method but I dont have enough sideways space.
Let the plant grow el natural bro. You can prune to give more light but I would not top if you don't want a bushy plant.
thanks for the replay. I know this is a newbie question but whats prune?
do NOT raise the light, you will cause the plant to stretch.

trim the plant.. but below the nodes as if you were cloning... take off excess leaves. stand above the plant and look down, if you cant see the soil (or whatever medium you;re using) neither can the light... Give it a HEAVY haircut, dont worry if it looks bare, give it few days and it will start to get bushy. u can do this quite frequently in veg. DO NOT do this in the flowering stage.
oh okay thanks...Yea I wouldnt raise the light, the closer as possible the better.
What do u mean by the laterals? Do you mean the main stem that shoots straight up in the middle of the plant ?
oh okay thanks, I think I might need a dictionary when im high lol :allgood:. Is there any link that woudl teach me how to prune properly?
I thank and appreciate all the help and info you guys gave me especially Underpal, that has helped me in previous post you guys are the best. :allgood:
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