Growing a Bag Seed


New Member
Hi, I just got my Medical card and have recently set up my first grow room. This is my very first attempt at growing anything. I am starting with a seed that I found in a bag I bought not to long ago. I am not sure what kind of weed it is but I know it was a nice strain as I have not smoked schwag in almost 15 years. It was odd to find a seed in the first place.

My room is a 4.5'x4.5' square by 6.5' tall grow tent with full Mylar lining. Right now I have (8) 4ft Flore tubes with Cool white and Soft white bulbs, I made sure to pay attention to the kelvin ratings. I have a brand new pair of LED lamps with a mix of 336 red/blue bulbs that my buddy gave me but I am not using right now. I also just ordered a 600 watt HPS set up and am waiting for it to arrive. I am growing my plant in a 2 gallon pot with organic dirt with a 25% perlite mix. I also bought the 3 pack of Foxfarm nutes.

Side note: I do already have my seeds for when I plain the main grow, they are Black Label Master Kush

At this time the plant is 2 weeks old, it had a tough start as I was stuck in bed for the first week of its life. The temp was low in the grow room at first and caused the stem to turn purple and the first leafs turned side ways like helicopter blades. I since have gotten the heat issue under control. The stem is now almost all green and the leafs have corrected. Since that time the plant has had lots of growth and has tripled in size.

Since this is my first grow it is just to get my hands dirty and to learn a little from hands on training. I hope to get advice, help and some positive criticism.

I will post pictures every few days of this grow. I plain on growing this plant to a full adult size before sexing it.

Picture of the Helicopter blades at one week old :

Today it looks like this at 2 weeks old:
(The soil looks dry but was just watered the day before the pic)
Yes, If its a girl I am going to try to veg under the LED's and see how things go. I really like the idea of LEDs, however the people I know hate on them so much I bought a HPS system... just in case they are right.

and TBH I have been following your thread for the last few days .

This edit is a few hours later than the start of this reply:

I just went out and checked on the plant before bed and it grew a new set off leaves since the picture I took this morning of it, I amazed each day by the growth. I am not sure how or when to prune or bend but I spent some time this afternoon working the older branches down to allow light and air to get in. One of my biggest fears right now is over watering. I water every 2-3 days with about 10oz of water and some days give a light misting when the lights turn back on. I went out and bought a moisture meter today but am not to sure how much I can rely on it but it has to beat sticking my finger in the dirt to check.

new set of leafs:
I have been following your two's conversation and checked his grows out too. Irishboys Skunk#2 makes me drool.. no joke. There is so much info on 420mag that it makes me dizzy (or maybe its the smoke :bongrip:) I am wondering if it would make a difference if I changed the lights over to LED now that it is no longer a sprout or if I should wait until I switch light cycles, I was thinking I may just do that tomorrow if I get brave.

Strange thing happened while I slept, when I woke up I had 5 tiny little lines show up just on the top leafs. I am hoping it nothing serious or if it is I can catch it early enough to help the plant. I took a close up (which is not easy to do with a cell phone camera) of the spots.

Anyone have an idea?
As far as the watering, I lift my buckets and feel the weight. If it is light, it needs water. If it is heavy, the soil is still moist and doesn't need water. As far as the lines, I can't tell in the picture what it is. You can start LST right now if you want. Just becareful not to fully bend your plant right now. Bend it a little now and then in a couple of days you can bend more. You will also notice your stock will get thicker quickly doing LST. Another thing to remember, your plants growth will slow down a bit when you start the LST, so if you notice this, it is normal.
Plant seems healthy and happy, all the yellowing cleared up. I was brave and switched over to the LED lights today.

Bah! I just now noticed I misspelled "Growing" in the main title... that's what I get for smoking while I write :grinjoint:

No Yellow spots :yahoo:
Thanks PV!

Pat has spent yesterday and today under LED's and seems to love bathing in it.
Had lots of new growth under the canopy, there are sprouts coming out of all the joints.
(named it Pat because I don't know if its a boy or girl yet)

I have a question about two leaves, they are under the canopy about an inch. They are the first leaves the plant made. The ones that turned into helicopter blades in the first post. They are not growing but they too have little sprouts coming out the joints. Should I prune under the canopy or is it early to worry about that?


Thanks for the input. I have trouble just sitting on my hands and waiting.


Now there is two
Got a clone from a buddy for free, he was going to start growing too but his wife disagreed.
He said its a strain called " Noah's Ark", sounds like a made up name to me but he was adamant about the name. He did not give me much info on the plant besides not to let it get less than 20 hours of light a day or it will want to flower. It has had a hard last few days as he had it hidden so he could give it away. I re-potted the clone and it had a good root system (I forgot to take a picture) so I am hopping she will survive for me.


has a nice green color, camera made it look yellowish.
Since switching to the LED's the plant was growing good for the first two days then the bottom leafs started turning yellow and two are drying out. I could not see it with own eyes at first but the camera picked it up in the last photo. Its just four leafs that are doing it, I have marked the leafs with numbers in the pictures below. There is also a bright yellow spot on one of the yellowing leafs .The top set and new growth leafs are all still a nice green color. I have not given the plant nutes in 5 days and when I did I barely gave it any, I did just water yesterday but the leafs where already turning yellow. The main stem has gotten a lot stronger and has grown up about an inch since the last picture. It seems to be healthy otherwise. I am hoping that the plant is just growing and shedding. The clones have been under the same lights and are a healthy green and with no issues.

The clones pot got knocked over by the dog when I took it out to move a few things around yesterday. I was afraid it would die from shock or something but it took the beating and seems to be just fine... so far. I got one more clone of the same strain. When I got it, I thought for sure it was a goner it had no roots and was falling over. I dipped it in root powder then put it in a dome and had written it off but it decided to live. I just re-potted it today and it has a very good root system. So I am hoping it to will survive also.

I decided to start my Master Kush seeds, I have them germinating now with the old paper towel and plastic wrap trick. I also just got some White Label-White Skunk and UFO-Rocklock seeds. I tried to go with strains that are good for first time growers.



I water every 3-4 days with 20oz of water in a 3 gallon pot. I use a little home made sprinkler bottle and just make some circles around the pot trying not to move the soil. I also put my finger down about a inch and a half in the dirt to check if it is dry or wet before watering. The water is just plain old everyday tap water that I let sit for a couple days before using. The room is set at 78 degree's, but runs about 80. it has exhaust and intake fans along with two fans on the plants for moving air. The lights are set about 25 inches above the plant.
I am so worried about over watering I may be under watering. Since its a free seed and I don't have much to lose I gave it an extra 20oz of water at 10pm last night. When I woke up at 8am I went out and checked on the plant and it seems to be doing better. New growth has started to move again and the yellowing is not getting worse, may be to soon to tell.
Yeah, I am with TheCheese on this. That is where I was going with this, it does look like you have hot soil. This is the one reason I like the nute-less soil better. I like adding my own nutes so you can control the intake of the plant. It should be easy to fix at this stage without having any consequences.
I watered yesterday so I don't have any run off to test right at the moment. I did just test the soil and it reads 6.4 The two big bottom set of leafs are turning green again but the ones under the canopy have no change. There was a growth spurt last night and the leafs all have more clearance from each other. We have had so much rain I set a few bowls out to collect water and that's what I used yesterday, I had been using tap water. My tap water is from the Bull Run Watershed.

I want to thank you two for sticking in there from the start of the post, it has helped a lot.


I want to thank you two for sticking in there from the start of the post, it has helped a lot.

No problem Search. I know how things are as a first time grower for I haven't been doing it too long myself. As a newbie myself I would worry about every little thing.:)

Your plants are looking a little more green in the today picture. :welldone:
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