Grow tents: what's your fav, besides the best Gorilla


Active Member
NEVER waste your money on a tent brand , china made OHUHU. pin holes, zipper problems, trying to save a dime to spend a dollar, should of went with cool grows, or La Garden on my 5th tent.


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I know its not a lot of light, but this was today after i set it up, with jut a 1000 watt LED. and My great strains from the new 420seedguy! P your the Best!!!!!!
Yeah my Growneer 4x4 tent has the same issues as yours show. I tried silver tape on the inside to keep it reflective, but my first grow GSC plant revegged on me because of the light leaks. I put up an old curtain around the troubled spots and seem to help stop them from revegging on me since. Although I too would like a new tent soon
Is Secret Jardine still a brand to consider, they do have a cheaper model (Dark Street, I think), hoping the quality is still decent.
i have been in my vivosun now for a few months and no complaints with light leaks at all. they all have a flap on the back on each side to cover the zipper
I bought the Appollo 48x48x80 and it's fantastic. Very well made. $110 when I purchased it.
I discovered I LOVED indoor growing and bought a 2nd tent that's pretty much 2X the size (length) of the first. It was Anjeet 96x48x80 tent for $129.

The "cheap" Anjeet is also fantastic.

Any "extra" you're missing from the expensive name brand tents (pockets, windows) aren't needed and you can always DIY it.

When you size your tent, get a bigger tent than you need. You need the grow lights (the most expensive item) to match the grow area, not the tent area. Depending on where you live and the season, you will/may need to add a small humidifier or dehumidifier to the tent. You might need a small space heater. You'll have a fan in there, maybe an oscillating fan with a big base). And if you do need a heater, you don't want it too close to the plants. It gets REALLY crowded in the tent very quickly. With a 4'x4' tent, I just grow 1 huge plant, because the buckets/pots for multiple plants take up too much floor space.

If you can get the 8'x4' tent (same price) - I highly recommend you that. You'll really like being able to put environmental equipment on one side of the tent and your small grow area on the other, with room for everything to breath. And ... you can also add other plants if you like. I have some pepers and "real" herbs growing too. :)

Good luck.
PS: I should mention, neither tent has any light leaks.

After setting them up, just sinch things up and sit inside. Pitch black.
Later that night, lights full-on inside the tent; nothing escaping. Obviously it doesn't matter if light gets OUT of the tent, but any leaks imply it's also getting IN to the tent, and that's no good. If I got lucky, phew. But... the zipper on the Anjeet is solid. Stitching is solid. I am quite happy. Bought it 2/25/17, and it's going strong.
I'll also note... my tent is 80" (6.67 feet) tall. I wish I had another foot or two of height. I can't because the basement ceiling is right there. If you don't have the vertical space, then there's no decision to be made. However, if you CAN go tall (e.g. to 8'), then I think that should be a big factor in your grow tent purchasing criteria (in my limited opinion).

The plants are in a bucket or pot; so 12" to 17" off the ground right off the bat. The lights are suspended from the top of the tent. The way the lights are suspended, you're likely to lose another 1 foot. (Plus they need some breathing room for air flow). Depending on your lights, you'll want 12" to 24" from the top of the plants to the lights.

So, your plants can get sandwiched into a 2' to 3' growing zone, and as you know cannabis plants can get pretty big. To solve this issue people use SCROG nets and training techniques to keep the plant heights in check.

You can do it, no problem. But more vertical space can translate to less work and maintenance, and bigger plants.

Good luck!
I'm very happy with the Green Archetecute brand and will purchase them again. I think most tents are very similar, and its only the additional port or bigger sized port that generally makes the differences these days. I did notice a quality difference between the GA and the less favored Mars. It wasn't of poor quality, but it seemed like 1 or 2 years behind, regarding quality and options.
A major complaint I have with the Gorilla Tents and also Grow Lab ( if they are still even being made) is the way the zippered panels have to be attached. I HATE that style and will use side entrances instead of that join together style.
I'm very happy with the Green Archetecute brand and will purchase them again. I think most tents are very similar, and its only the additional port or bigger sized port that generally makes the differences these days. I did notice a quality difference between the GA and the less favored Mars. It wasn't of poor quality, but it seemed like 1 or 2 years behind, regarding quality and options.
Same here I ended up buy three of there 4.5’x4.5’, after contacting the seller I was able to work out a deal with them, paying $90ish after tax for each with next day delivery. I think after buying my three tents they jacked up the price a good $20. Here’s just a quick review I did but it doesn’t say much more than you or I have already said about them. Green Architecture 4.5’x4.5’x6’-8” Grow Tent If you’re on a budget and want a decent quality tent I would recommend them.


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