grow spots


Active Member
idk if this belongs in this forum or if ppl will respond cus its kinda a hassle for yal probably and its kinda a stupid question but it planning on planting outdoors and i am searching for a grow spot.i was wondering if yall can post sum pics of previous(obviously cus its not growin time where i live at least)grow spots if u have ne so i can get an idea of what a good spot should be like and how much sun etc.
thanks-cdnorden and if yall dont post i will hunt u down and kill u.....jk thanks ne ways
I don't have any pictures but if you go to either the pics here on plants or on
mmmmkay thnx
but one mo question this one is easy.....what do yall think would be best for the plant and to get more out of a harvest.....letting it grow strait up or pinching those little things by the branches and making it branch out more?
or grow in a small green house
i think you mean topping...all ya do is just pinch of the tip...this will make the lower branches bush long as the place is secure....easy enough to take water if needs be... and getts a good amount of direct sun then yas should be fine...

all the best
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