Grow Journal Already In Flower Though

I like to water a day earlier in flower than I would in veg. I don't let them get quite as dry in flower.
Oh I'll give some then
Think the clone is giveing up on me
What u think guys

Hey good morning, that is not looking so good....doesn't seem to be taking. How long has it been since you cut that clone? When I've cloned plants it usually seems to get roots around 7-10 days and then starts to show improvement
Hey good morning, that is not looking so good....doesn't seem to be taking. How long has it been since you cut that clone? When I've cloned plants it usually seems to get roots around 7-10 days and then starts to show improvement
Hii Has roots and been around 2wk planted
Hey good morning, that is not looking so good....doesn't seem to be taking. How long has it been since you cut that clone? When I've cloned plants it usually seems to get roots around 7-10 days and then starts to show improvement
And all I have used for a cloning/root agent is a bit of cayenne pepper and honey on my cut end before I put in dirt.
Looks to me the soil might be anaerobic (lacks of oxygen), maybe overwatered. I could be 100% wrong though, as I’ve never used coco coir as a medium for cannabis.
Guys I think im going to try get another off it which one would u suggest one almost done or the one late
One of each, and take cuttings from the lowest branch you can. Those are usually less far along in flower than the tops.
Thanks what ya think and do I take some leafs off for light to get to the buds

Do i put cuttings under light 247 x
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