Grow Journal Already In Flower Though

tbh I could have totally had that backwards. My timer is a bit different lol.
Mine are digital.
Changing them gives me anxiety. :rofl:
I hate to fek with them.

Stay safe
tbh I could have totally had that backwards. My timer is a bit different lol.
No ure perfect it was at 1010 however we lost a hour and was then 1111 so by rights it should come on at 11 a couple of mins wouldn't mater would it x ye electric went so couldnt controller this like lol I hate them too
The lines in between the hours, should be about 15 mins each line? 10 mins is a lot of time, I'd make sure your pins are 100% pushed in. I don't think it would, my timers are sometimes 3-5 mins late. lol
Guys so today I noticed new growth in top of the bud like another is this normal n because its fattening?
Mine my s**t camera








Looks good to me! Is this one closest to the light? And is that recent growth on top?
New recent growth on the top that's small and lights not close
I wouldn't worry about it then. More flowers = bigger harvest!
Thanks the others doing well is starting its budlets all over place lol
They almost stop drinking completely, though some folks will chop before that.
Not drinking as it was still wet and haven't fed since yesterday mornin
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