Grow Journal Already In Flower Though

Looking good isn't it guys the others finnaly starting to flower do u guys know if leafs get darker on age..







Don't think other ones went threw x


And no they do not get darker with age usually nitrogen issue causes darker leaves and clawing.
There both on same stuff ones darker then other x
Yes it could also be over watering which in turn over time cause nutrient issues... And I'm not 100% on the new growth being a good color... But if I had to take a guess the plant will show most of its issues in the oldest leaves first..

Do you guys no what I mean x



My mates saying something about liquid tuipines is this a good thing or as I've never hurd of it and fort the strain would produce taste ect also thanks for your help guys x
The plant produces its own terpenes. Liquid terpenes are sometimes added to vape carts to make them taste different. Some folks say that sulfur is responsible for terpene production so they add Terpinator (potassium sulfate) to boost the sulfur content.

Of course, it's also got potassium in it, which would be added to any synthetic nutes being used and need to be accounted for in the NPK ratio.
The plant produces its own terpenes. Liquid terpenes are sometimes added to vape carts to make them taste different. Some folks say that sulfur is responsible for terpene production so they add Terpinator (potassium sulfate) to boost the sulfur content.

Of course, it's also got potassium in it, which would be added to any synthetic nutes being used and need to be accounted for in the NPK ratio.
Told him it produces it's own n didn't need it x
What's it mean when your tents like expanding with air ? Is it bad or will it be ok
Told him it produces it's own n didn't need it x
That means your fan is pushing air in faster than it can get out, called positive pressure. Makes for a bigger tent! That's no good if you're trying to keep the smell in because the air isn't running through the carbon filter, but it's how I run mine now.
Oh think ive sussed it then have inlet on fanspeed 1 and inside on 2 and let fan controller do job?
Yes would think both on 1 would be fine and the controller do job which sounds like it is however tent blow up lol
How's it looking guys other is just starting and looks hench x




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