Grow Journal Already In Flower Though

This is how I've done it think it's right seems alot cooler



And what will you do at lights out?
In morning before lights out going to pull out and put the air thought the side in thinking
Why not leave it through the side all the time then?
Ye i will do just can't fit it in atm as will have to come out cupboardlol
Will it work like that or do pull i more

That question mark leaves me wondering too!
The duct fills the hole tight then travels all way across me room with another fan on in middle to the window id say it's light proof
So back to my nutes question I've bought canna boost ino I'm a lil late with it due to one already flowering however would it be give them it straight away and do I put all together with the a n b please and 6th week pk1314
If you post pics of the "guaranteed analysis" labels on everything you want to feed them I can let you know my thoughts. In general, plants don't need much P at all (even in flower) and many bloom boosters overload K as well, especially when combined with regular grow nutes.
Coming on well init x

So Canna A is 4-0-1 and Canna B is 1-4-2. It looks like most of the Ca is in the A and the Mg is in the B.

If you use them in equal amounts you get 5-4-3, which is low on the potassium side. I'll take a look at the other two when you have a chance to post those.
So In a 18.5l drum of water I'm adding 50ml one and 55 other
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