Grow 2.0, 30 Seeds, 80 Plants, Rockwool, 5 Varieties


New Member
Hello, y'all! I'm a young girl grower looking to start my 2nd grow cycle. This current grow, I have 3 White Widows and 4 Bubblicious. They're about 4 weeks into flowering cycle. I can't wait to harvest and start a bigger grow now that I have my set up and chemicals figured out.

In this entry, I'd like to talk about planning for the constraints of your physical grow space. I'm blessed to own my own beautiful home.


My grow room is 6'x6.5'= 39 sqft= 5,616 square inches.

My single plant RockWool setup (tray, cube, and plant ) takes up 9"x9"=81 square inches.

5,616/81 = maximum 69-70 set ups in my grow room.

I am planning to start 1/3 of my total plants from seed and then take two clones off each one for a total of 60 clones and 30 O.G. plants (OriGinals, I love rap/hip hop references!) for a total of 90 if everything survives. This gives me a buffer of 20 plants that can die for whatever sad reason :oops: and I'll still have a totally full grow room.

As far as cloning goes, I'm looking forward to experimenting with the tips found in this article from 420 Magazine called "How Clone Cannabis Plant". More to come on that later.

I'm also stoked to be picking out 5 seeds each of 6 different varieties to kick off this next cycle. I'm 100% set on ordering from Black Skull SeedBank through Dope Seeds. I'm looking foward to describing my choices in my next post. Talk to y'all soon!

Thanks so much! All seeds in the last grow were feminized. I'm fortunate to have the money to be able to invest and not have to buy the cheapest seeds.

I'm doing my complete grow in Rockwool actually. My brother has more experience and he recommended it. Simple and clean! As far as nutes, am I allowed to say what kind I use? (Just for reference for others, not to advertise) I was kind of confused by the guidelines and I don't want to get in trouble for posting about a non-sponsor company.

My first grow has gone really well! My vegetative phase was quite long as it was dead winter when I started. But they are well into flowering and looking great! I doubt my yield will be huge, but the amount I learned makes up for that!
One plant takes way more than 81 square inches.
One of mine would need at least 2,304 inches. Thats four feet by four feet.
Good luck flowering 70 mature plants in that small space.
Yeah that is going to a challenge unless you are not going to do any training on them. That could work. But yeah i have seen ppl drop lines about every piece of equipment on here. So r they n soil or hydro?
Germinator- thanks for sharing your experience. Why aren't my plants that big?! Tons of buds close together but don't take up much more area than a 6"x6" rockwool cube. How can I improve for my next grow? On average how much do you guys get off one plant?
I made a feeble attempt at lollipopping here. Well, actually I've never seen anyone else's so I don't know what it's supposed to look like. They're in rockwool so I guess hydro.

So sorry, I accidentally opened this and I don't know how to delete it.
LaidBackLeo87- I agree, it is a big jump. My grow has gone smoothly with no major issues whatsoever. I don't know if my plants are big enough, but it seems a shame to waste all the light in that closet by only growing a few plants that didn't get too big. My brother is the real master, but we live far away from each other. Right now, I'm pretty much following his advice because he's had a few successful grows and I trust his judgement.

Back to the reason for the big jump, I'm off for the entire summer, so it'll be like the perfect full time job where I can really devote myself to the study of the plants and how they do what they do. I've got a stressful job and I'm beyond excited for the change of pace. I have several more weeks of flower left and then I'll be ready to begin my second grow. Any advice you have would be much appreciated.
Germinator- thanks for sharing your experience. Why aren't my plants that big?! Tons of buds close together but don't take up much more area than a 6"x6" rockwool cube. How can I improve for my next grow? On average how much do you guys get off one plant?

Well I am confused. Are you growing just in the cube? Not in dwc? If you are that's your problem. Ditch the cubes. Germinate in rapid rooters and then put into hydroton and five gallon buckets with six inch nets. You'll need an air pump and nutrients. I use General Hydroponics.
Check out scrogdawgs finished journal on lollipoping. I personally don't like lollipopping. I think yield suffers.
A person can get a pound or more from one plant. I got almost 11 ounces from one plant on my first dwc grow.

I would rethink everything you planed.
Much to much work with cloning and feeding so many plants.
Feeding has to be several a day with your setup.

If you want to clone you have to wait till the first are ready to get clones from (4-6 weeks) + 2 weeks rooting the clones.
That would only make sense with a mother plant in my mind and a cloner of course.

Yield is about space, medium and light not plant count.
Soil 1g/W, Coco 2g/W, Hydro 3+g/W as a rule of thumb.

Your plant will end up @ 10g max, should be 20g to make sense what is possible with some experience.
But to much effort to get there in my mind.

I got a little veg and clone area 2,5 x 4 with 250W LED and a bloom area 9 x 4 with 1150 W LED in coco.
Rooted clones go in quarts for 2 weeks than final 3 -5 gal for 3 weeks than bloom.
Getting me 5-7oz x 14 plants
Hope all is well in your world.

How did this grow turn out?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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