Grove bags, I'm a fan

beard o

Well-Known Member
In mid March I dried and packaged all my Blue Dream auto weed in Grove bags for the first time. Placed it in one ounce bags with a mini hydrometer, closed and heat sealed it.

The other day I opened a fresh one ounce bag. Upon opening it, it had amazing nose. Fragrance that smelled like fresh cut cannabis. Humidity was 59%.
I pulled a couple of sample buds and placed them under my 40x microscope. The trichomes were intact and glistening. It smoked beautifully, filling the room with the fragrance of fine marijuana.
What's not to like? I'm a fan.
Thanks for this! I have my recent harvest in grove bags for the last 2 weeks. Pulled them over the weekend to do the final trim and weigh in and I’m really liking these bags as well so far.

Question, did you heat seal them so that you can cut the seal and reuse the bag? It looks like they leave enough room for at least 2 uses and maybe 3 if your careful.
Yes, I heat sealed them really close to the top so I could reuse the bag. But also, I wanted to do exactly what Grove recommended. I wanted to eliminate any and all possible variables so I could get an accurate read.

I swap with friends, plus I also barter with it for fresh beef, seafood, and fresh eggs. So I want to make sure I'm giving them the best possible product, because they're always giving me their best as well.
That’s great! I should read up on how grove suggests to use them, I’m a little embarrassed to say no did zero reading on how to actually use them, I figured a bag is a bag haha.
do you dry in the grove bags as well? I have a few of them I was going to use for my cure, but I'm still figuring out the drying process. Its been hot here and I'm worried that the buds will dry too fast hanging.
do you dry in the grove bags as well? I have a few of them I was going to use for my cure, but I'm still figuring out the drying process. Its been hot here and I'm worried that the buds will dry too fast hanging.
Nope do not want to dry in them. Want to put them in when they are around 11% moisture I think it is. Or when you jar them for 24 hours and the RH is 60% - 62%. Then they are good to go!

Yeah you want to control the dry environment as best you can to get to 60° and 60% Rh which for me right now would be difficult as well. So as best you can with out letting them stay too moist for too long or drying really fast.
but I'm still figuring out the drying process. Its been hot here and I'm worried that the buds will dry too fast hanging.
Read up on the "drying and curing in a refrigerator" methods. These methods usually involve a controlled slow dry and it is done in a fridge.

Trim the harvest, place the buds in a brown paper bag, and put the bag in the fridge. About 10 days to 2 weeks later take the bag out and put the buds in a jar. All done so just put the jar away till ready to roll or pipe. It is a little bit more complicated than that but not all that much once the gardener understands the method. And once he or she believes in the method it is like magic how easy it is.

This thread will get you going. Read the first couple of pages to get an idea of what is happening before jumping towards the end. There are some other threads that have discussed variations on the method which are also helpful. Like I said, once you understand and believe in the method it becomes a "no brainer" and it is as easy as it gets.
I'm a believer. I used plastic packing tape vs. Heat seal. I like to sniff my batch now and then. I dry down to 60-62/11-12% rh/moisture then in they go. Going to try to store it in the fridge (not freezer).
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