Re: Grizzwalds - One Plant at a Time - Starting with Spiritual Punk - Coco/Perlite -
Man, awesome, congratulations!! Girls are the best man. They give you so much. Obviously not all boys, but mates boys are only soft when hurt or tired, and are into exploring world themselves, girls seem to want you to play fantasy stuff with you, like shop keepers,lol...but mines always got a hug to give and talk. Blah blah blah. Even when she hasn't got time for me, playing with friends, it's a five minute explanation that shes too busy to talk to me, tell me who she's busy with, what's happening, what each wants to achieve, etc etc, lol... It a comedy routine, lol. The boys just yell out can't too busy, as they walk past you without looking at you, stick or rocks in hand, determined tiger that lizard out of the hole or football out of the tree, lol..and their beautiful. Oh and a straight wipes easier than going around wheels, lol... I'll give you another tip. DONT let you baby sleep between you two, no matter how cute and awesome it seems. Know what happens or doesn't with a baby in bed? Mine at four still sleeps with her mother and me when I have her.. As soon as she opens her eyes in her own bed she screams and run into my bed.. Man, awesome Camo, reps for girls, lol