Santb.... Totally understand the paranoia brother.. Took me years to put a photo here, let alone journal.. I came to conclusion, worst shit going on than me growing a couple of herbs for myself, even if watching, what's the point of busting me? there's no profit in it for the station.. It would work like that wouldn't it? Or is that why I'm best not being a cop? Too easily corrupted, lol... Regarding tuts, my friends Blaze and Stage sum it up best....
Guys, don't buy too much into the 30% THC thing. It sounds a little like BS, and even if it isn't it is still just academic. I've smoked Tut, and it is a damned fine smoke. That is what matters. With a good yield to boot. What more could you ask for. Definitely a worthy strain to grow.
Sup Blaze?
Good to see you stop thru.
I tried to explain to one of my friends about the Tut and the 33% THC levels. He was all gassed up but I explained to him the alcohol analogy.
I said to you think that the highest THC level means the best bud? He said of course! Isn't THC the element that gets you high?
I replied..yes but there is more to getting high than the THC. There are other compounds along with THC that give you the high.
I said..if the highest THC is the measure? Why doesn't everyone drink corn liquor or overproof rum?
I think he gets it now.
Love these faceless internet growers.. Man there's good peeps in this place...
Blaze, yeah man, damn... Wish it happened before I'd repotted her, she wouldn't be here now, a rush before work, shit transplant to, missed steps I take, girls haven't really taken to it yet. Looking better now but still little droopy... Critical x amnesia, all except the Black Dream... Damn your girls looking good man.. Mighty fine growing man, trying to be nice but That comment sounds like old timer talk...I think I might be really stoned, but it's making laugh, I don't think I talk like that.. Let me have a go. Walk into shop " hello Julie, that some mighty fine weather we've been having lately"..... Nah, that's not how I talk... Ummmm, nah I won't delete this, let you all see how hard it was to come about this reply...
Hope your all well. Pass these around
Just noticed your old timer talk Blaze, lol lol lol to Boot...