Greetings from Coastal NC


420 Member
I'm J.D. but go by PyrateCaptain going back to my days of owning a sloop in the Caribbean back in the early 2000s. I'm retired Navy and Civil Service so for many 20-25 years I couldn't partake in toking weed because I was always subject to urinalysis. My 70th trip around the sun is next month so that's no longer the case. I have a good buddy going back to high school who I visit in CA annually and he has prescription weed that he introduced me to. The stuff we smoked in high school back in 1971 was junk... full of seeds and leaves. Times have certainly changed.

Anyway I found the site, read up on today's weed and ordered White Widow auto. Unfortunately, I drowned most of my seeds but 420 had a money-back guarantee and sent me 20 more. Right now my first plant is flowering... very pleased. I also found and bought a kit so I'll try that as well. I'm growing indoors in my sunroom which faces due south with no lights, tent, etc. This first plant is in 100% Miracle-Gro Organic which was not recommended by the seed seller. I also bought Ocean Forest and Happy Frog... will try that later.

Lastly .. a short story... 1/29/73 will mark the 50th anniversary of my run in with the law when I got busted for possession with intent to distribute 8.2 grams of weed (nickel bag) and charged with a felony. I received a 2 year suspended sentence and could not vote til 2008 even tho I had a pardon of forgiveness from the NC governor in 1981. I was in college in '73 during the crime and remember getting proactive after getting out of jail and started distributing literature for NORML. 🤣 As I said... times have changed but weed is still outlawed in NC. Thanks for reading. Happy growin' 'n' tokin'!
I'm J.D. but go by PyrateCaptain going back to my days of owning a sloop in the Caribbean back in the early 2000s. I'm retired Navy and Civil Service so for many 20-25 years I couldn't partake in toking weed because I was always subject to urinalysis. My 70th trip around the sun is next month so that's no longer the case. I have a good buddy going back to high school who I visit in CA annually and he has prescription weed that he introduced me to. The stuff we smoked in high school back in 1971 was junk... full of seeds and leaves. Times have certainly changed.

Anyway I found the site, read up on today's weed and ordered White Widow auto. Unfortunately, I drowned most of my seeds but 420 had a money-back guarantee and sent me 20 more. Right now my first plant is flowering... very pleased. I also found and bought a kit so I'll try that as well. I'm growing indoors in my sunroom which faces due south with no lights, tent, etc. This first plant is in 100% Miracle-Gro Organic which was not recommended by the seed seller. I also bought Ocean Forest and Happy Frog... will try that later.

Lastly .. a short story... 1/29/73 will mark the 50th anniversary of my run in with the law when I got busted for possession with intent to distribute 8.2 grams of weed (nickel bag) and charged with a felony. I received a 2 year suspended sentence and could not vote til 2008 even tho I had a pardon of forgiveness from the NC governor in 1981. I was in college in '73 during the crime and remember getting proactive after getting out of jail and started distributing literature for NORML. 🤣 As I said... times have changed but weed is still outlawed in NC. Thanks for :welcome: reading. Happy growin' 'n' tokin'!
Welcome to the @420 Magazine family.CL🍀
@PyrateCaptain , welcome J.D. to the club and thank you for your service.

As you probably already know, there are a lot of like minded folks such as you that are into auto grows, personally, I've always bombed out with auto's, as they say, "different stroks for different folks".

Take care me friend and looking forward to crossing path's with you again.
@PyrateCaptain , welcome J.D. to the club and thank you for your service.

As you probably already know, there are a lot of like minded folks such as you that are into auto grows, personally, I've always bombed out with auto's, as they say, "different stroks for different folks".

Take care me friend and looking forward to crossing path's with you again.
Thanks Gary!
I'm J.D. but go by PyrateCaptain going back to my days of owning a sloop in the Caribbean back in the early 2000s. I'm retired Navy and Civil Service so for many 20-25 years I couldn't partake in toking weed because I was always subject to urinalysis. My 70th trip around the sun is next month so that's no longer the case. I have a good buddy going back to high school who I visit in CA annually and he has prescription weed that he introduced me to. The stuff we smoked in high school back in 1971 was junk... full of seeds and leaves. Times have certainly changed.

Anyway I found the site, read up on today's weed and ordered White Widow auto. Unfortunately, I drowned most of my seeds but 420 had a money-back guarantee and sent me 20 more. Right now my first plant is flowering... very pleased. I also found and bought a kit so I'll try that as well. I'm growing indoors in my sunroom which faces due south with no lights, tent, etc. This first plant is in 100% Miracle-Gro Organic which was not recommended by the seed seller. I also bought Ocean Forest and Happy Frog... will try that later.

Lastly .. a short story... 1/29/73 will mark the 50th anniversary of my run in with the law when I got busted for possession with intent to distribute 8.2 grams of weed (nickel bag) and charged with a felony. I received a 2 year suspended sentence and could not vote til 2008 even tho I had a pardon of forgiveness from the NC governor in 1981. I was in college in '73 during the crime and remember getting proactive after getting out of jail and started distributing literature for NORML. 🤣 As I said... times have changed but weed is still outlawed in NC. Thanks for reading. Happy growin' 'n' tokin'!
Welcome to 420Magazinemy friend. :welcome:

#Vivosun #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Hey Evergreen89... no real struggles... all is well and MaryJane is blooming. I lived in Alexandria, VA, for 30 years and retired to coastal NC. Where are u in VA?
Hey glad to hear all is well. I’m in Williamsburg
Welcome to 420 @PyrateCaptain!

Check out some of the sponsors here. You can get a good deal on a grow light.

Happy Growing!
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