Greetings from Canada


New Member

I am a legal registered MM User/Grower in Canada. Prior to being a person with a disability, I was a disability management specialist for over 20 years. (ironic) My medical issues are Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, B12 & Folate deficiency, multiple chemical sensativity, hypoglycemia, seratonin storm, insomnia, restless leg syndrome and the most fun, Chronic pain!

Due to the above, I have several main goals that will form the foundation for my participation and search for better methods to cultivate, sustain, and advocate where possible, the use of mother nature's kitchen as a viable alternative to pharmacutical toxification to our bodies and elimination of adverse reactions and secondary side effects often worse than the conditions we are being treated for.

1. Foster and promote acceptance of government to recognize legitimate and practical/responsible use of medical marijuana. Even in Canada, pharmacutical companies are still lobbying the federal government to eliminate our right to grow our own medicine.

2. Research, learn and spread information with the goal of achieving sustainable, affordable, reliable and consistant medical grade cannibus.

3. Foster and cultivate relationships in order to assemble communities locally, nationally and internationally to bring quality and reliability with the least amount of cost to medical users who need it the most.

This sounds like alot, and I am sure this group is constantly working hard to advance these goals. I have read alot on this site before joining and I look forward to growing and learning from each other and using this site as a medium to further the cause of knowledge and activism that will take us further towards the day when there are no more shadows, or outside influences to hinder us from helping ourselves the way mother nature intended.

Peace :thumb:
You picked a great community for your goals. I would like to welcome you and look forward to seeing you around!
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