Green Crack Closet Grow Troubleshoot?


New Member
Hey Guys,

I am doing my first indoor closet grow and have started to run into some issues lately. I started the green crack from seed in a red solo cup with soil that had a 30 10 10 NPK content. I started with 4 26 watt cfl lights on the plant and had them around 2 inches away. I have since moved the lights farther away from the plant sitting at about 7 inches away, with one added 40 W soft white cfl. The closet space is about 2.5 by 2 feet square, with the adjustable lights above. I first noticed leaf tips curling down and turning brown about 3 weeks into the grow. At first I thought the problem was nitrogen toxicity but have since decided it may just be heat stress, but the things i have tried to fix the problem haven't really worked. The new leaf tips are still curling with the lights 7 inches away and a fan fixed on the plant. I was also using tap water at room temperature and switched to distilled about 3 weeks ago although it didn't seem to really help. I am currently 50 days into the grow and am pretty sure the plant is female as I have seen the wispy white preflowers. If you guys have any other ideas what I could do to fix my plant the help would be greatly appreciated!! attached a picture as well.

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