Grain prep experiment

Just found this very interesting quote regarding grain prep:


Anno said:

I decided to test a rye grain for the water absorbing ability.

I weighed out 3 time 100 gram rye grain.

1. 100 g rye were dried in the oven at 140?C for 90 minutes
2. 100 g rye were simmered in 500 ml of water for 30 minutes (rye grain put in boiling water)
3. 100 g rye were simmered in 500 ml of water for 40 minutes (rye grain put in boiling water)

1. The 100 g rye grain in the oven dried to 88 g -> 12% moisture content.
2. After 20 minutes of draining the grain weighted 190 g, nearly no exploded kernels ->(12g+90g)/190g = 54% moisture content
3. After 20 minutes of draining the grain weighted 200 g, more exploded kernels, I?d say at the limit ->(12g+100g)/200g = 56% moisture content

Preparing grain by simmering it is a viable option. It shows that the amounts usually used when one mixes grain and water directly (100g grain and 100g-110g water) are similar(a little higher) as if one simmers the grain for around 40 minutes.
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