GR865's Irrigation System Upgrade!


Well-Known Member
Upgraded my irrigation system.
I grow 5 plant vertical as my main and 5 plant horizontal as secondary.
Eco 1056, three point drip per plant.
Rez and lines
Moved to tub, 8 gallon to 20 gallon, both usable gallons.

New setup:
This 8 port manifold works well, capped three ports.
Rainbird emitter, much better coverage throughout the profile.

OK...since you started a thread for the irrigation system upgrade, I was kinda expecting pics of the irrigation system but now sub'd to your journal. Nice job on the vertical screen! :goodjob:
After getting, hopefully, the irrigation system working properly, timers right and times dialed in, making/mixing nute solution is very simple now. Due to the over-runs and tent flooding while on our adventure to Florida, I have only been putting in 3 to 6 gallons of nute mix in the rez, in case of timer malfunction. It has been running smoothly now for the past two weeks and since the new RO system is installed we will be running the rez 2/3's full or 5 to 6 days worth of solution. Will be nice using RO and not having to clean the rez weekly. No matter how clean rain water looks there is always a given amt of dirt in the water that settles to the bottom and causes little dirt balls in the bottom of the rez. It has not effected the system, no filter or emitter problems, but gets that stale water smell after a few days time.

Now with the RO water and the system responding properly it is much easier to keep the solution at a steady 1.2 EC. Will be increasing that to 1.4 in another week with a 1 to 2 ml increase in Canna A&B an the addition of KoolBloom. Started making a 25 gallon tank again of nute solution that I allow to stabilize for two days prior to adding any to the rez, which will be done every third or forth day around 8:00 AM. At 5 minutes total run time per night it uses around 2 to 2.5 gallons a night. This should give me 6 to 8 days between having to make fresh solution. I keep the tank in the garage so the temps will stay in the 50's keeping the solution stable.
I do not pH the solution until around 30 min to and hour prior to the each nights cycles starting, pH to 5.8 +/- 0.2 and it will remain stable throughout the rest of the cycles. I know this sort of defeats having 6 + days of solution but until I can afford a pH controller/monitor/doser I have to make adjustments daily.

Fifteen minutes after the final cycle ends at 7:02 AM the air pump begins and runs until 30 mins prior to the start of the next cycle. By doing this the O2 in the solution increase without having to run the air pump during the cycles and causing pH increase beyond the 0.3 range. So I allow for a 5.8 to 6.1 pH float during the cycles, the plants seem to respond well to this.

At present there are 4 cycles a night (total time of 5 minutes) but just received a new replacement Auto-Pilot Digital Timer from Hydro Farm for the one that failed on me. This timer can be set in Hours, Minutes and Seconds. If I get this working correctly I will increase from 4 to 6 cycles but the total time of the nightly runs will still be the same. Now I run three one minutes times and the forth an final run is two minutes. With 6 times I will break three of the cycles into 5 @ (0:35 seconds/cycle) and the final cycle of two minutes will remain the same. Will be getting minor DTW with the first 5 cycles and the final two minute cycle will flush any nute buildup in the pots.

Hope I did not bore you with my rambling but damn this G13 Haze has me buzzing like I am on white crosses, remember them, LOL

OK...since you started a thread for the irrigation system upgrade, I was kinda expecting pics of the irrigation system but now sub'd to your journal. Nice job on the vertical screen! :goodjob:

Did the pics in post #1 not show up, or are you speaking of plant pic's. They are in my latest grow journal Big Buddha Cheese. Can get there from my Signature at the bottom of the page. Oh, thanks for joining in.
Did the pics in post #1 not show up, or are you speaking of plant pic's. They are in my latest grow journal Big Buddha Cheese. Can get there from my Signature at the bottom of the page. Oh, thanks for joining in.

Correct! There are NO pictures, yet, anywhere in this thread, including your original post. :Namaste:
@ Mr Krip

Does this one show.

See if this works!

I grow 5 plant vertical as my main and 5 plant horizontal as secondary.
Eco 1056, three point drip per plant.
Rez and lines
Moved to tub, 8 gallon to 20 gallon, both usable gallons.
New setup:
This 8 port manifold works well, capped three ports.
Rainbird emitter, much better coverage throughout the profile.

See if this works!

I grow 5 plant vertical as my main and 5 plant horizontal as secondary.
Eco 1056, three point drip per plant.

Nope! How are you adding them? If you upload to your Gallery, you can insert using the camera icon. ;)
I used extech pH 105 I believe, and the extech EC dissolve solids I believe it is the 100. Not that I would recommend them actually after these a die I will go to another more expensive brand. These are economical and work. You have to replace the diode I the ph meter yearly, easy to calibrate. And you must keep them calibrated. I do mine weekly.
I used extech pH 105 I believe, and the extech EC dissolve solids I believe it is the 100. Not that I would recommend them actually after these a die I will go to another more expensive brand. These are economical and work. You have to replace the diode I the ph meter yearly, easy to calibrate. And you must keep them calibrated. I do mine weekly.
Thanks for the info. I appreciate it. I am just starting to research these and would love to find one that has good results
Can you see the pics in this post?
Thanks for the info. I appreciate it. I am just starting to research these and would love to find one that has good results
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