Good to be here! How's everyone?


New Member
Grew outside for over 30 years. Had to move inside in the mid 90's -Commercial grower. In 2007, became a personal perpetual grower. Oh, the variety, Yesssss!

OG veteran. OG showed me how to have fun growing inside and most importantly, the many, many, many different ways to grow.

When OG went away, so did I. Recently found this site and the ----- site. Thought I'd hang here. (If there are no objections)

Still growing and tending the garden daily.

Favorite grow method: Rockwool Cubes, handfed, organic nutes, 600w HPS. (Veg with T5s.)

It's just a beautiful weed!

Nice to meet you, Trigger :ciao:

Welcome to :420:

We're glad to have you here!

OG... :yummy: OG Kush is probably my favorite strain, but that was determined before I started growing and realized that there are soooo many strains I've yet to try. Some OGs will definitely be in my next seed purchase.

I hope you consider starting a grow journal. Noobs like myself can definitely learn a thing or two from an experienced grower ;)

How to Make a Grow Journal

Have a great day!
Thanks for the welcome and the Photo Guide, nice.

Hey Dresney,
Checked out your don't need're a pro. Loretta looks just nasty!!!

If someone held me down and threatened me with a pink belly...I'd probably pick Hindu Kush as my fav. But, noboby can pick just one.:lot-o-toke:

Thanks for the journal tips.
A pink belly :laughtwo:

I agree - who can really pick a favorite?

For this very reason all the seeds in my first seed purchase were strains I haven't tried. :yummy:

And thanks for the compliment on Loretta. Seems she's a crowd favorite. :)

I'm adding Hindu Kush to my 'to grow' list. It probably has 50 strains on it already though. :loopy:

Have a great day!
Hi Trigger420.

A late welcome to 420 Magazine and the community of members that gathers here.

I have to second Dresney's interest in a journal by you. I'd love to watch over your shoulder while you do your thing.

Be well, happy growing, and again - Welcome to :420:
Hey Trigger! Welcome! I just joined myself and the folks here have been great. I am getting ready to start another rockwool grow myself. Look forward to learning as much as possible from you. Best regards
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