Good soil


New Member
ok so i'm plannin my grow for next spring and i found a pretty good spot. a clearing in some local woods. after hackin down around six inches of grass i finally got to the soil, so i cultivated around 25 patches about a foot apart in a 5X5 grow patch. givin my situation i can't lug any soil to my grow area so i was wondering what are some good ways to tell if the soil already there is good enough to grow some buds?
Almost any soil can be made into good soil w/enough time, the proper additives, and a little work. Pick up a soil test kit from any store w/a garden center. You will need to take a sample of soil from your area home w/you to dry it out over night, but the kit will tell you the pH, nitrogen, phos and potasium content of the soil. Make any changes to the soil now by adding the proper chemicals/nutrients, then test the soil again early in the spring and go from there. Good thinking in planning ahead like this! Also, consider spreading your plants out and giving them more room. At least 3 sq ft. Check out NDW or Droppony's out door grows to see how big they can get w/the proper attention.
Thanks for the help vitner!

are the soil test kits expensive?

cuz i just ordered a whole bunch of seeds and funds are a bit low right now.
also do u have any idea of what a good amount of the N P and K are? i think i read that a good ph is 7, correct me if i'm wrong. And also would i use some regular ferts to increase these elements or is it something else i need. I would like to iknow what all i need so i don't have to make a dozen trips to the store if ya know what i mean. Thanks a mill for tha help.
I think I payed like $17 for my soil test kit, but I'm not really sure. It comes w/a booklet that will tell you all you need to know as far as what to add to the soil to change it. Just ask someone at the garden center if you have any questions. Most addatives for phos and potasium come on organic or nonorganic sources. Choose organic of you can. If your soil is really low on nitrogen, it's best to add a bag or two of composted cow manure to the soil. you can also make your own compost, but thats pretty labor intensive, and hard to do this time of the year when most everything is dead or dieing.
thanks alot peoples. i'll go to the home depot or lowes whichever one is cheeper and pick up what ii need this weekend. gotta get it done and test my soil asap cuz i stay in cincinnati ohio and cleveland just got hit wit a inch or two of snow and we usually get hit right after them. its been hella cold the past two weeks.
btw nice ryders vit. i would recommend getting a 400 watt mh. I got mine for 17 bucks off ebay, plus 15 for shipping. it was one of those industrial lights you see in like lowes or somethin. took it apart and out of its shell and turned it into a grow light with a separated ballast, with only a little bit of simple electrical work. beware of the heat though i tried growing in a small cab and just couldn't manage the heat. maybe you'll have better luck if ya try it. but enough ramblin and thanks for da help.
Hey, thanks for the kind words man. Yeah, I was please w/the results for an all fluoro grow, but I know I would have done MUCH better w/HID. I wont have the space or ability to use them for a couple more years though. And even then, after all the reading I've done and seen what others do on this site and others like it, I'll probably get a few low watt HPS and use them in a very unconventional mannor.
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