Good paint to use to paint my curing jars?

It can be a useful trick. I use one gallon cookie jars for my bud and sometimes I like to transport it or have it out on the shelves so a few years ago I painted a couple of them white with white spray paint. It worked great and they’re still holding up fine. They look just like they’re full of flour or something and people never give them a second glance. I guess they assume I’d never be able to afford that much cocaine. :p You can also stick labels on them if you want to go all out. Helps block the light if they’re on open shelves.
If you're set on painting them,plastidip spray works well-it's a little rubbery,and it won't chip off.
If you decide you don't want them painted,you can peel it right off.
It comes in a bunch of colors,so you could color code your jars-I have no idea why you'd want to,but you could....
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