Good morning world


New Member
Hello to everyone.

I am listed under the name "oteimages" and am quite the newbie. came from the world of $10 bags of dirt weed and reading the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers back in the 70's. Gave it all up to be a "professional", whatever that means. I own my own business and now live in the Inland Northwest. I was healthy as a horse with no physical or medical issues until August of 2004. Shortly after a huge scare of strange numbness, I went under the knife for the first time in my life and had spinal chord surgery. Long story short . . . I now live with this uncomfortable numbness permanently. I honestly never thought that I would be smoking weed again, but it is the only thing that has given me relief. I am not a "pot-head" as I used to be so I probably don't fit the typical mold here, but I am interested in sharing ideas and hearing others stories.

Looking forward to meeting a few and hopefully building a few friendships . . .

Re: Good morning world . . .

Hello to everyone.

I am listed under the name "oteimages" and am quite the newbie. came from the world of $10 bags of dirt weed and reading the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers back in the 70's. Gave it all up to be a "professional", whatever that means. I own my own business and now live in the Inland Northwest. I was healthy as a horse with no physical or medical issues until August of 2004. Shortly after a huge scare of strange numbness, I went under the knife for the first time in my life and had spinal chord surgery. Long story short . . . I now live with this uncomfortable numbness permanently. I honestly never thought that I would be smoking weed again, but it is the only thing that has given me relief. I am not a "pot-head" as I used to be so I probably don't fit the typical mold here, but I am interested in sharing ideas and hearing others stories.

Looking forward to meeting a few and hopefully building a few friendships . . .


You fit the mold perfectly. There are a great number of us here (speaking for myself anyway) that were "smokers" when we were younger but have turned to cannabis for our medical needs. I currently grow for myself and 2 friends. I have MS, one of my friends has MS and the other has a rare form of Parkinson's disease that mimics ALS. The three of us all smoked when younger. Gave it up to be "grown ups" and turned back to it when Big pharmacy has failed. Welcome to the best place on the web to learn the truth about cannabis!! Feel free to read through my journals in my sig and ask any questions. :peace:
Re: Good morning world . . .

Welcome from Oregon! You came to the right place.
High Oteimages and :welcome: to 420!

You'll fit right in with the rest of the menagerie here.

I never did grow up but went back to school in my early thirties to upgrade my education, diploma chemistry, and found no joy there. Seem to be finishing up my days living in the boonies and growing decent pot that is now more to keep my medical conditions in check than just to get wasted on. Now officially in my early 60s I fondly remember my first forays into the world of pot and other mid altering substances beginning in my early teens near Vancouver, BC. Lots of good stuff in those days. :)

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