Gonna say Hi to the Ladies .. for the first time


New Member
Hi guys!


I've recently shifted to a new place and kind of hit a dry phase with the bud. That's when i decided to start growing on my own.

As a start, I managed to setup a small grow setup of my own. It's a closet in my bedroom, 3.5 ft in height, and 2 ft in width. Since I'm on a limited budget, I used whatever was available to set it up. Since this is a stealth grow and without the ability to drill holes or install ducts, I've decided to use a portable ozonizer to get rid of the smell :)

The lighting is gonna be by CFL lights with a small heater fan for maintaining temperature and for air circulation.

Planning to grow northern lights and a short rider for my first time.

Hope it works out.

Gonna need all the help I'll need for this one.


Sex In the Dark :roorrip:
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