Glycerin Tincture Help Needed


New Member
Im All ready to make my first batch of Glycerin based tincture but now can not find the recipe to do it im looking for the crock pot method. any help would be much help to me.

Thanks so much
Check out my post about making pain cream, the first part if for cannagliss or Glycerin Tincture, just use about 1/2 cup of gyclerine, and a lot more marijuana, maybe 10-20 grams of leaves, shake, buds etc, instead of cooking in oven use your crockpot, put water in crock pot, and a dishcloth on the bottom, under the glass jar, in case you drop it, cause doing it in a crock pot, the glass and will be super hot. Or just do it my way :)

Pain cream using only 2 grams made many times

All the best with your tincture, try making the pain cream with some, :thumb:
Mutt, you are right it's a good article but waiting 2 months to make it, would be ok if you had enough to do both ways, 24 hours in the crock pot of oven, and 2 months, shaking every day. I have nade that way, and it's ok, don't know it was any stronger that the crockpot way, seemed about the same to me
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