Global Warming Peak Oil Perfect Solution Parts 1 to 8

Smokin Moose

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex Moderator
While the ancient Greeks used cannabis tea as an aphrodisiac, Hemp Revolution, first posted on, tells how even THC-FREE HEMP creates 600 gallons/acre/year of TOTALLY CLEAN TOTALLY RENEWABLE LIFE-BASED FUEL (4-10x corn methanol), has finer fibres 3x stronger than wood at 4x the acre yield: the 1st Model-T Ford had Hemp panels stronger than STEEL!, makes every kind of PLASTIC!! with far LESS TOXICITY, makes LINEN and SATINISED SILK: cotton uses 50% of pesticides globally: Hemp requires NONE. So, having already invested in petrochemicals and wood, DUPONT//HURST killed it all by a media propaganda war, just like they did later when patents ran out on DDT and CFCs. Think of that next time you catch the sweet odour of diesel dust or dioxin from burning plastic. So much for EMPIRICAL SCIENCE, DEMOCRACY and THE 'WELFARE' STATE: the 13/300 oligarchical families and the 3 City States rule this world for their own gain and our exploited death. Hemp oil is one of the most nutritious substances on earth, and Hemp has been used to treat many diseases including cancer.
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