GH Flora? Yes or no? Quantity?


New Member
I am planning to do some indoor growing of a couple of white widow plants. I was looking into nutrients and came to a conclusion that GH Flora would be a could choice. I was wondering, for 3-4 plants, how much I should be buying of these nutrients. Also, if you have experience with this brand, I'd love some input and even better recommendations if you have some.

Here is the link for these nutrients (my choices are between buying 1L of each of 3,785L):


I am planning to do some indoor growing of a couple of white widow plants. I was looking into nutrients and came to a conclusion that GH Flora would be a could choice. I was wondering, for 3-4 plants, how much I should be buying of these nutrients. Also, if you have experience with this brand, I'd love some input and even better recommendations if you have some.

Here is the link for these nutrients (my choices are between buying 1L of each of 3,785L):



They also have another box kit that includes a few more products. Ph tester and rooting liquid. Pretty cheap and if you don't like it for whatever reason you didn't break the bank, Good luck to you
I use the GH maxi bloom for years now and never had an issue. I have a big bag of dry so it's not much of an issue for me to portion it out.
But as far as how much you would need? We gotta do some math.
A 1 gallon pot filled with soil can hold roughly half a gallon of water in my experience. And your going to be feeding them at least once a week right?
So take how many gallons you think you would need. Add in how much it requires per gallon and then multiply that by how Many weeks you anticipate using them.
I've seen that it seems as tho the liquid stuff is never enough for a whole run. Not sure if that's a done on purpose or if it just works out that way due to popular bottle sizes.
But in a nut shell. Buy more than you think your gonna need.

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