getting to know me


New Member
Found this site before and looked in and I'm ready to come out of the closet so to speak. Been a smoker for the last twenty years, quit drinking 18 months ago which has not been a problem since I usually have some smoke, but tonight thought what the hell I'll have a couple beers because I have no smoke and have been without for a week. After drinking I physically feel like I got the I don't know what? Stomach feels awful I have to run to the bathroom to take a piss every 20 minutes and now I don't know why I liked to drink so much before. But the point is how do we go about legalizing my favorite smoke?

I can never understand why the govt. has not figured how much money they could generate and save with the legalization of pot. I figure the govt. could make a fortune with the legalization. Say it cost $2 a pack to grow and manufacture a pack and it could be taxed at $10, $20, or even $30 a pack. This revenue could then be put into schools, education, or even fight the war on terror. Then make harder drugs outlawed, one strike your out, because we all know that marijuana is not a gateway drug. What makes the govt. think it is a gateway drug is when they crack down on pot and your local dealer has none the dealers are more than happy to point you to the real money makers (crack, meth, coke, heroin) and what ever is the latest designer drugs.

So how do we really create the grass roots effort necessary to make this country safe for our children?

Who will develop the test to tell weather your High right now? Not if you smoked in the last 30 days because that is the real reason it is illegal. When will you all stand up and tell employers that if you have to be drug tested to take a job then everyone every day must be breathe tested on their way into work.

Sorry about the rant but you now what happens when you have a few beers. Like they say better to be high than to be drunk.

The drunks are always ready to fight! The stoners have to eat a pizza first and by the time the pizza gone they have forgot what the were fighting about.

searching for a legal happy haze,


I didn't even get into the potential saving on the war on drugs.
I am a little concerned with with posting on this type of site never been busted and want to keep it that way but I tired of living in the the dark!
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