Gettin rid of pot taste


New Member
I know this sounds kinda crazy but I want to know how to get rid of or at least weaken the taste of the pot in things I am cooking. I just don't like the taste in my food or drink items...I saw a post somewhere a while back but didn't pay it much attention then and can't find it again... I know that someone here knows the answere so here I am needing help :thank you:
Instead of using cannabis as an ingredient, make cannabutter and use it.

Or good hash or hash oil.
I have heard of water curing your herb for a week or so to remove the taste prior to cooking, but that was when using already vaped bud... though I imagine it would work just the same.
I'd try water curing, I've done just boiling water over weed for 20 minutes and straining, and it takes out the smell, I was making pain cream at the time, so don't know about the tase... hang on just for you I'll taste the cream, lol.. 1st one has teatree oil, so won't taste that ... no, one made with coconut oil, can't taste weed taste, I don't like taste either. Now I have wax in my mouth ewww
Cook using RSO or dry kief .... you get all the punch with none of the poopie green chlorophyl flavoring. You can add either to just about any recipe and it doesn't matter if the recipe takes butter or not.
When I cook I use Kif, i use bubble hash or sifter. Then make the kif into butter and you can barely taste the greeness.

Here is an easy kif extraction method I use frequently. Easy and quick, you can pull all the trichs off an ounce in 15 mins then make butter and then goodies. :)
Stilletto's screen/water hash method - Pictoral

Hope this helps,

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