Germination Q


Well-Known Member
I put my seed in water for 24 hours tgen into a sees starter. 7 days later and no sprout yet? Is it a dud? Wsit a couple more day? Maybe i put to deep? Any help is appreciate
Ok t thanks.I've used this batch and everyone has popped. I also have a couple friends a seed each as nd theirs popped so your probably right. Can't say id be wicked sad though i just got my Northern Lights auto delivered haha
Put it in a cup of water from a bottle of water for 24 hours then put the seed in 5 sheets of wet paper towel folded in half then folded in half one more time. Stick that in a zip lock and keep it half closed. Keep it in a warm, dark place and check it once a day until it cracks. Then plant the seed tap root towards the bottom of the hole
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