Germination problems,need experienced help


New Member
Hi,like 20 seeds of expensive strain like big bud and cm which goes for like nearly 15 usd a seed.
First seeds I put in germinate,cup of water,then paper towel,in 2-3 days shot up like crazy.
Problem,other seeds dont germinate! :(((
I think the cause is,I left in cold room,where temp at night could have got to 1 celcius or even -1,could seed got damaged? I read people store seeds in freezer and could it happen my seeds got cold and died?

Some seeds are sprouting,checked just now,but very slow,and root is not coming out,but it actually sprouting ( opening shell very wide ) with minimal "tail" sticking out,did anyone experienced anything like it?

PLEASE HELP,THANK YOU..I need 3 more seeds for grow,I have 4 seedlings already,please any help appreciated..
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