Georgia: Sheriff's Association Opposes Medical Marijuana Bill

Jacob Redmond

Well-Known Member
Atlanta - A sheriff's association is opposing a bill that would legalize cannabis oil for people with cancer, seizure disorders and other chronic diseases.

The executive director of the Georgia Sheriffs' Association, J. Terry Norris, said his members are concerned the law would expand.

Norris told WSB-TV the association did not object to allowing children with seizure disorders to use cannabis oil. However, Norris said the number of patients who would get access to the drug under the proposal keeps expanding.

State Rep. Allen Peake said the oil cannot be smoked and will not get its users high.


News Moderator: Jacob Redmond 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Sheriff's association opposes medical marijuana bill in Ga.
Author: Associated Press
Photo Credit: wsbtv
Website: WCTV | Tallahassee, Thomasville, Valdosta | News, Weather, Sports
So, the police say are saying...
Dear people of Georgia, it is okay to drink the juice from a peach, but the peach itself is illegal.
Here's another point. The sheriffs' argument is the fear of the the law *expanding*. The apocalypse never happens on the schedule Christians and frauds think its going to be. Christians have been wrong about the apocalypse since *the death of christ*. Those alcoholic gun loving rednecks have to invoke fear mongering that the law will expand. The only way that any such law would *ever* expand is if the original law was determined to be too limted in scope.

In other words the argument is, "Hell, once people find out how good this cannabis is for humanity, they'll want to expand it to include more humanity. That ain't right."
Until they feel the pain others are going through they do not care. If it were their loved ones suffering it would be a different story.
The Florida Sheriffs also just expressed their opposition to a draft MMJ bill as well, claiming people don't smoke real medicine. Since when are law enforcement personnel qualified to pass judgment on medical matters? And why should their opinion even be relevant to lawmakers? Their only fear is that the gravy train may end and they would lose out on the easy forfeiture seizures and padded arrest stats that justify their budget as drug warriors. There is ZERO compassion for the suffering of citizens in GA, FL and most of the South. They truly are sociopaths.
Toke, I'm late to being wise about cops.

It's terrifying that these are sociopaths with GUNS, and AUTHORITY, and LEGAL protections that are somewhat, um. Fascist.
Of course law enforcement is going to oppose any sort of cannabis legalization and decriminalization legislation. Most states and local governments are too bankrupt to afford to pay their officers a decent salary and medical benefits because of issues revolving around tight local budgets and along with pensions and medical benefits for a large amount or retired pensioners. Marijuana raids help local police departments gain federal drug war subsidies to help pay for training of new officers and sustaining of local police department budgetary needs.
And, those who are least likely to defend themselves become victims of the shakedown. Blacks for being black and poor. Hispanics for being "illegal" and potheads for just wanting to spread the love for fun and profit.

I was naive to ever think that our drug policy free of racism. It is the very TOOL of racism.
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