

Well-Known Member
Some gelato from 420 just finished a big stretch. And did some light defoliation now the girls are ready to pack on weight .
Nice. Just started one of those, looking for a variety of good medical quality flowers. Any problematic issues I can look for that this Gelato autoflower might give me? I'm doing an enriched mixture of soil and peat with cow manure compost at 1x2x2 in order ratio, no flushing. Thank you for any help.
Gelato week 4 of flower


Those are looking really nice!
I have to 2 Gelatos in my crop (outdoors), they never really took off though. Theyre in about 4th week of flower, pictures taken today. I think they might be severely rootbound, who knows. Time will tell.


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My Gelato auto sprouted but I'm not sure it's up to it, its ten days up, took 4 days with a 3/4 tap root to break out. It has the egg leaves one wonked crinkle leaf paired with a half decent single and the next node just stretched to poke out this morning. I'm not even taking a picture of it, its embarrassing. Clones would work better I bet. But I'm not going down that road, without another grow just for them, gotta save up. Thanks guys and nice grows I dont mind seeing those at all, tag me if you have others.
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