GeeGee Grow Show In 10 Gallons Of Coco Coir

Update time!

GeeGee Day 98

She will get her first real sleep on her 100 day Birthday.

To prepare, she got a preflipstrip including lollipop:) I took off any branches that looked weaker from lack of light, anything too small and everything off her legs (1/3 up the plant). The Unit Farm bloom light is on full time. Restraints are off and she is ready to charge up to the top of the tent! #yikes

I have also added a low dose of EH Bloom-nutrients for smooth transition. She’s drinking about 3 gallons a day! Good thing I’ll be around to watch this beast get thirsty:)

My ppm meter broke but she should be around 600-700 as I have not changed anything except the low dose of bloom.
Ph 5.7

Yesterday’s haircut, got me a full bowl and a video to watch for;)

And today with those #truckshots

So we had a stoner moment on Sunday and I accidentally watered GeeGee with a diluted mix of lemon juice and baking soda (got my pails mixed up) She got about 2 litres before I noticed:/ I sure hope I didn’t do any real damage as I flushed her with about 5 gallons of grow nutrients and nothing noticed yet. Maybe it’s no big deal like when people water with H2O2? #oooopsy

Update time!

GeeGee Day 98

She will get her first real sleep on her 100 day Birthday.

To prepare, she got a preflipstrip including lollipop:) I took off any branches that looked weaker from lack of light, anything too small and everything off her legs (1/3 up the plant). The Unit Farm bloom light is on full time. Restraints are off and she is ready to charge up to the top of the tent! #yikes

I have also added a low dose of EH Bloom-nutrients for smooth transition. She’s drinking about 3 gallons a day! Good thing I’ll be around to watch this beast get thirsty:)

My ppm meter broke but she should be around 600-700 as I have not changed anything except the low dose of bloom.
Ph 5.7

Yesterday’s haircut, got me a full bowl and a video to watch for;)

And today with those #truckshots

So we had a stoner moment on Sunday and I accidentally watered GeeGee with a diluted mix of lemon juice and baking soda (got my pails mixed up) She got about 2 litres before I noticed:/ I sure hope I didn’t do any real damage as I flushed her with about 5 gallons of grow nutrients and nothing noticed yet. Maybe it’s no big deal like when people water with H2O2? #oooopsy

My Critical Jack and Incredible Bulk just started showing sex. I'm thinking about giving them a good defol before they start budding.
Your ladies look amazing as usual!
I’d tuck rather than defoil too much outside. I’ve learned to kind of leave em be outdoors...kinda lol #takeafew

Thanks Shed I’m going to be real careful not to make another split! That one looks cool though, eh?? :D
I told you we’d be training at the crack of dawn!!

Bam and done! She looks great now. I’ll give her a day of rest and night night tomorrow.

I will run her daylight hours during the night to avoid heat issues. 11pm-11am

Thanks guys! As soon as I looked at her I knew I needed to satisfy my OCD and I’m so much happier with her now. @beez0404 helped encourage me to do it. Usually I let the restraints off at stretch but now I see the value in keeping them on, especially with this big gal:) 10 oz is the goal;)
Looks great! The training was very good as well as the trimming! She s going to get more and more interesting to see!
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