Gardenfaerie Auto Fem - CFL to Greenhouse


New Member
Hello again! This is the beginning of a journal about my, what else, growing!
I am a medical user for pain, insomnia. I will be posting photos and growing evidence!

Strain: Buddha Assorted Auto

White Dwarf
Red Dwarf

I ordered these seeds before I started really reading up on things, but it will be okay as long as I can harvest some which will be effective.

Soil mix: 1 part each - perlite/coco fiber/peat moss. No nutrients.
Light: CFLs 18/6
Nute: Veg. Fox Farm Grow Big
Nute: Flower Hasta Gro by Medina 6-12-6 with micronutrients
Mychorriza: added into water
Water: Rainwater only

The minute this frigid front passes by these plants are all going back out into the greenhouse. We had a very unusual rash of very cold weather. I am on the same latitude with New Orleans, so our light is brighter and for longer, even in winter. The greenhouse is 10' x 20' and inside that is a smaller portable greenhouse so I can keep it very warm at night. It also maintains humidity better than if I only used the bigger house. When the weather gets better I plan on using large grow bags and carrying on through the fall. I'd love to grow enough for a year if possible so I can relax and just keep a few plants going at all times. This is my ultimate goal.

I would love with all my being to be a pro grower, licensed. In other places I told people here about my pro growing greenhouse days, but in the bedding plant industry. I am a horticulturist. That doesn't mean anything when it comes to this very specialized type of growing.

We are growing a weed and cultivating it to an extremely technical degree to improve strength and vigor. I'm in awe of this whole movement and glad my old high school friends forced me to try it as they have. I am grateful for you all, your comments, help and friendship.

thanks so much
:bravo: You now have your own grow journal. +reps for getting it going!

Now you can add your journal to your signature with the link I provided on the blog.
Oh, and check your signature in your's still says the other name. ;-)

Let's see if my journal signature is in this message. Whoooo baby! Don't take much to excite this broad!
Don't see the journal in the signature yet, here's that link again to show you how so you don't have to go to your blog:

How to add links to your signature:
How To Add Links To Signatures
General How-to's on using the forums and your settings:
Board FAQ

It's usually easier if you go up to your address bar and right click and copy the link. Then you can just paste it into the box when you get to that part in the instructions.
:thumb: it's there! Later on you can figure out how to edit that so it says the actual name of your journal.
I don't have those instructions handy at the moment. LOL

Okay, I found them:

If you want to have your link contain a custom description, edit the link as follows. Note I changed the first "url" to a "xrl" so it would not display as a link here, you'd have the "url" in first position.

[xrl="[URL][URL][URL][URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL]"]Custom Link Description Here[/url]

This is my little operation. I have tweaked it since I took this photo, but the lights are off right now so I can't take new photos till later. I do have to admit growing in the closet stinks when I'm used to greenhouse growing for my plants, not just canna. I have my exotics in there, too. Oh this is going to be fun. I think I've found a new hobby to love. Everyone wins. My hairdresser loved her tip last week too.
Hi GF! I followed the link in your sig to get here, lol. My currently flowering plant is out in the greenhouse today for the first time in five days due to cloudy and cold weather and lovin'it. I'm slightly north of your latitue at a little over 5000 ft. The sun is really strong here. It can be 35 outside and 80 in the greenhouse no problem durring the day. If there are clouds, though, forget about it... I'm happy to have a space for it inside too, but it always seems happier out in the gh.
:thumb: it's there! Later on you can figure out how to edit that so it says the actual name of your journal.
I don't have those instructions handy at the moment. LOL

Okay, I found them:

If you want to have your link contain a custom description, edit the link as follows. Note I changed the first "url" to a "xrl" so it would not display as a link here, you'd have the "url" in first position.

[xrl="[URL][URL][URL][URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL]"]Custom Link Description Here[/url]

told ya she hid them under her bed.........
I would leave it alone and let the seedling handle it. There is a membrane inside that needs to help shed it. ;-) Sometimes they need a little help, but usually they will handle it on their own.
One way to prevent it from coming up with the seed still on is to bury the seed just a little deeper. We've been discussing this recently on some threads. :-)
Good morning. I noticed one of my seeds which is germinated is having trouble shedding seed coat. Do I leave it alone and wait? It is up and under the CFLs about 3" away.

GF, manually removing the seed jacket is a last resort because the baby is SO delicate it is easily damaged. You can help it shed the coat and membrane by giving it a fairly aggressive misting at somewhat close range. Just a couple of shots! It is much safe than touching it, and works well in my experience. Since the cotyledons aren't open yet you don't have to worry about water-spotting the leaves.
:ciao: Peejay!
Hey, question on what you posted on spraying it....I had one recently that came up with the shell still on. What I noticed was that membrane dried up with air and that helped to drop the shell off the plant. I got a really close up picture on that.

Do you think misting it will cause the membrane to stay wet and wind up taking more time to shake off? I'm just curious on your thoughts with this. Totally agree on not pulling it off manually too!
Canna, you are right about waiting and seeing first. I don't recall where I saw the misting process but it was demonstrated by a quality grower. When I tried it the results were very fast. It visibly loosened with a couple of spray and fell off about an hour later. It was so effective I wouldn't hesitate to do it again. Wait a bit, but not too long. GF posted a few hours back. If it is not shed yet it's time to mist - if it was me...
Canna, you are right about waiting and seeing first. I don't recall where I saw the misting process but it was demonstrated by a quality grower. When I tried it the results were very fast. It visibly loosened with a couple of spray and fell off about an hour later. It was so effective I wouldn't hesitate to do it again. Wait a bit, but not too long. GF posted a few hours back. If it is not shed yet it's time to mist - if it was me...
Thanks Peejay. Maybe I will try that too if I get a stubborn one again. :-)
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