Garden safe insecticidal soap spray?

Ye that is like edible crops where ya more likely wash em before chowing down & not the smoking crop !

How ever i do hear some growers wash their bud with some grow methods using foliar spray in flowering etc & even had it lab tested for damage with virtual no effect.

I've never tried that stuff myself i'm very keep it simple... it works tho but ya have to do some searching on the forums for a guide etc in less some one else chimes in :thumb:
Is this garden safe insecticidal soap a good safe thing to use on flowering plants? I have read on here the brand "safer garden" was safe to use till harvest day even. Just curious about this brand. On another form I read someone says it was good to use even till harvest. So I'm asking more opinions.
Garden Safe | Garden Safe(R) Brand Insecticidal Soap Insect Killer | Garden Safe

I have been using this specific product from day #1 as a preventative measure...anytime i find a little water spot in mt garden and anytime I am moving things around I first remove any unwanted moisture and then once the area is clean I spay a paper-towel with a couple sprays of "Garden Safe - Insecticidal Soap Insect Killer" and then I use that to wipe the area far not Pest

EDIT...PLease NOTE that I have Not and Would not Recommend spraying this product directly on any plant...I haven't had an infestation (knock-on-wood) I only use "Garden Safe(R) Brand Insecticidal Soap Insect Killer" for maintenance/prevention cleaning of grow space surfaces...

Read the Label, first..ThanX...Usem ;-)~
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