Garden lime accident


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody I made a small accident today I hope.. so I am running cob lights and plants are hungry for calcium and mag in those kinda lights so I thought good idea would be to prevent it by adding some dolomite lime but instead I added garden lime my mistake.. I think it's more alkaline than dolomite I added 3tbsp top dress for 3g of soil but I didn't watered plants yet should I scoop it out ? Or 3tbsp it's not alot ?
I don't think there should be a problem. Garden lime is pretty close to the same thing; maybe even a little healthier. It's not a nutrient that burns plants when used in small amounts, so a top dress shouldn't hurt anything.
I am not that worried about burning like rising my pH to much garden lime have pH of 9.9 and dolomite 7
I still think it'll be okay. A few tablespoons in a three gallon pot should dilute pretty well. It wouldn't hurt to take some out, but if it's hard to get out I don't think any harm will be done.
Righty thanks alot buddy calm me down abit stupid mistake .. :)
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