ganja fairy in distress


New Member
If the humidity in my room is at 30%, and I already have a bowl of water, and a humidifier on full time, how can I boost it up to 40-50%??? 9x5 grow tent with 2000 watt hps . temp is riding at 80 degrees. :reading420magazine:
Humidity is suppose to be around 50% for optimal growth. in veg they can handle alot more, in flower, 50% is optimal. I am just starting flower, so I don't have any buds to hold moisture. my tops can scorch with two 1000 watt hps bulbs running on them with no moisture in the air. That's why :yummy:
30% is OK and the bare acceptable minimum to avoid heat mositure stress.
40% in VEG would be better if you can get it.

Indeed, if my RH goes below 40%, I immediately turn up the mister to get it back up.

I like to shoot for 50-60% in veg, no more than 60% personally but in truth, they can take 70% or more if they are growing rapidly.

For flowering, I stick to the 40-50% range, and that works very well, I get very rapid growth and very happy plants when the humidity is dialed in as tight as I can get it -- the stomas open up and transpire at full capacity during the entire light cycle when the RH is good, and low humidities like 30%, less stomas open and less growth occurs -- plants are always controlled by the most limiting factor to their growth, and RH is a critical factor.

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