Funny fan leaves: mutation?


Well-Known Member
My White Widow auto leaves has a funny thing going on. On some leaves the end of the petiole has grown into a two or three way split with the individual leaves sitting on those in groups of up to 4. There are cases of 8 and 9 "sub leaves" (what do you call them...? [1]). Perhaps 25% of the leaves has this split petiole going to some degree.

I've not seen that on other plants, including browsing lots of leaf pics. They seem to consistently have the petioles ending in a singe "button" where the individual leaves are attached. Is this a mutation then? Is i common? Only White Widows? Autos?

It doesn't bother me since the plant has lots of nice colas, but I though I might run it past the veteran growers just out of interest.

Here's one such leaf, having a 3 way split with groups of 4, 1 and 4 individual leaves (it's soon chopping time, and I have probably pinched that leaf during handling, so don't worry about the scruffy appearance):


[1] Edit: OK, so the whole thing is a compound leaf and each leaf is a leaflet. The arrangement where all the leaflets grow directly on the end of the petiole, as for cannabis, is called is palmately.

Should have read up on that before posting... sorry - if nothing else I can now share one of my newfound references:
Not saying it is caused by this, but plants can get a virus like humans. Recently saw a mr-canucks video of one of his plants affected by tobacco mosaic virus, Twisted leaves etc. You can find the video at weed tube.
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