Full veg inside to outside flower


420 Member
I’m in NSW Australia and this year I’m attempting to do a full veg inside then move outside towards the end of winter. Just wondering if anyone does this or has done this before and has any tips? I live on a north facing hill with maximum sunlight. Really not sure how late I can put it outside with days getting longer in spring I don’t want it to revert back to veg stage. Should I be putting it outside in the middle of winter or at the start of spring? Thanks for any advice.


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You should talk with @Amy Gardner and check out her Journal. I believe she may have some great insight for you. I'm not on the island myself but assuming winter is winter and summer summer. I'd put my girls outside around the last two weeks of May if not a little later into June. Not sure how your calendar is compared to ours. I had some plants start to flower and then go Veg again. I grew some monsters in the yard last year. I bet Amy could help you more tho.
Hi Aussieherb :ciao: Welcome to 420mag :welcome:

If i understand it right, you want to veg all winter inside, then as it gets warmer outside and the days are still short (end of winter into spring), you want to flower outside and you wonder if you have time for them to finish before the days get too long and risk triggering flower. Am I right?

If so it doesn’t matter what continent you’re on, it’s going to depend on ow cold the minimum temp is and what the daylight hours are at that time, in your location.

It’s an interesting idea but i dont know of anyone who has done it - although it rings a bell, I feel like I’ve heard tell of it before. Someone like @Pennywise or @conradino or @bobrown14 or any number of other members may know of someone who has tried it.

Thanks for your responses!
Yes that’s correct @Amy Gardner
It doesn’t get much colder than 10 degrees in winter where I am and daily temps usually pushing 20 degrees. I’m more worried about timing it just right with the light scheduals at this point. I’m thinking I’ll put them out with 4 weeks or so left of winter and hope for the best.
As long as your days are getting longer they will veg. Once days start getting shorter they will start to flower. I’m in Central US and we can normally plant outside around June first and flowering starts in August.
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