Fucked Up Night


New Member
Man, I had the most fucked up night last night. I woke up this morning all hungover, my room royally fucked up and an empty pint bottle of Soco 100proof and a blunt roach. I go down stairs and my mom starts being a bitch because she heard me puke last night. I hate to say it but sometimes shes such a nosey bitch. I found out later this morning that I drank the whole pint and had a beer (keep in mind I remember none of this) and then smoked an eighter blunt of killer Chronic! I don't remember any of that shit man I was wasted as fuck. Like thats scary not remembering that shit.
haha, it was a friends bday this weekend....I dont remember between 7pm-3am friday night.....I heard I rode a luggage cart down a hotel staircase into a wall...I suppose that explains the huge fuckin roadrash on my back. Apparently I was aiming for a door that led out into the pool..Nevermader.
Cheers to those nights of horrendous overdoing-it!
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