From the 70's

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I remember smoking some maui wowie, at least that is what i was told. if you can imagine taking a damp bud, twisting it in a circle, holding it like that until it dried in a swirl pattern then you see what i was smoking. I was livin in Cali then, anyway it was about 2 in the afternoon when we smoked, the high got so heavy I went and laid down on the floor in another room by myself. A soon as I closed my eyes a kaleidescope of colors burst into my head moving to a beat of synthesized music.It was so syncronized it blew me away. It was awesome to say the least. How i woke up was this....the music was going crazy, highs, lows, crashing creshendos just all this stuff going on and finally it just ended perfectly and my eyes just opened, the high was gone and it was 7 that evening. Awesome. Never tripped like that since. Just wanted to share that memory.:smokin:
wow, that sounds amazing, i've never experienced a high like that before off of some green.

how was the weed in the 70's? everyone i ask says that weed today is completely different and contains a much greater level of thc
Today the thc level is higher. However, the price was cheap and the quantity was readily available. Ounces went for $20 for regs. and 35 for good Columbian Gold. Duffel bags of prime was coming back with returning troops from Vietnam. It was a different world. I got 10th roll tickets to George Harrison for $15. Pot was plentiful and cheap, but the minimum wage was under $2. It all equals out somehow. It is hard to remember all of the 70's due to the cloud of smoke. Impeach Nixon stickers on my car, streaking sporting events and concerts, and the police seemed clueless about cannabis.
That sounds awesome
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