From Sunny Spain: Dual Journal - Indoor & Outdoor Grow


New Member
Hi everyone,

After being an avid spectator for quite some time I've decided to finally give journal-writing a go. Afterall, this seems to be the ONLY forum on the net where people are nice and civil and not just waiting for the silliest excuse to start a fight. :circle-of-love:

I guess it's fair to say I live in a very relaxed country when it comes to MJ legislation, we are allowed to grow it in the privacy of our homes "unrestrictedly" as long as it's used for personal consumption, or so Ive heen told lol As you will see in some of my pictures, my outdoor girls are in plain view in my backyard. My only concern would be getting them stolen but I live in a pretty remote area anyway and ive never had a problem before.

l grow indoor all year round and I like to plant some ladies outside towards mid May. I have three selected mothers from where I get all my clones in a 60x60 cm tent with two 55 wat fluorescent lights on 24 hrs of light. My strains are: G13 Haze (my favorite smoke and the one I grow most :tokin:) Channel + and a White Widow I was recently able to import from Holland. A budddy of mine from the states recently asked me to mail him 10 critical mass seeds but he got cold feet in the last minute so I ended up germinating them, I vegged them for 1 month and they are currently in week 4 of bloom.

I grow in soil typically (lightmix by Biobizz) in 3,25 or 7 litter pots and I defoliate at the end of the stretch. I aim for single colas (I try to avoid popcorn weed) and been averaging 9-11 grs per plant. I can squeeze 64 plants in total so I can normally do 1 GPW more or less, which is satisfying enough for now.

I feed AN Connoisseur pH perfect A&B Professional Grower Bundle. My schedule is feed, feed, water, feed, feed, water. I use final phase during the last week and I move the plants to a dark room for three days before harvest. I cant say Im unhappy with the results with AN but I KNOW I can do better with a simpler and cheaper solution. I have been reading about blue planet nutrients for quite some time now and Im liking what Im seeing. I hope I can get my hands on them here in Spain soon. Maybe Corey can shed some light on this? My nute solution is normally ph'd at 6.5.

My indoor cabinet is a 1.20x1.20 DRII by secret jardin running a 600 watt HPS on a adjust-a-wings reflector. I have an active carbon filter connected to a primaklima extractor fan (i believe its 400 m3 per hour) and I run a portable AC unit that blows air straight into the lower inlets on each side of the tent through two 125 mm aluminium flexible ducts as it gets stupid hot during the summer months and it provides great air circulation. My AC units allows me to keep the temperature at 23 degrees celsius (I believe thats 76 farenheit?).

Current indoor grow includes 10 critical mass plants from fem seed on 7.5 litter pots, 15x G13 Haze, 10x Channel + and 1 white widow, all in 3.25 litter pots. All clones were taken from my mothers and vegged for 10 days under the big HPS before making it to the tent. By the way, Im hoping this will be my last soil grow as I plan to start a 2l hempy 420fied-style :Namaste:

Outdoor grow this year is comprised of: three G13 Haze in 50 litter pots, one tangerine dream (fem seed) in a 40 litter pot, two channel + (30 and 25 liter pots). They all spent about 4 weeks in 11 liter pots until I transplanted them last week. They are being fed grow nutes by biobizz and i will use canna flores and canna boost when they start flowering.

Enough talking, here you have a couple shots I just took of my indoor girls some mins ago. Back of the tent you can see the ten c+ on 22nd day of 12/12 and at the front the 3.5 litter pots with the g13s, channel + and ww, day 8 of bloom. I plan on taking a lot of pics tomorrow before the lights go on and of the outside girls while the sun is still up.

Im hoping to learn a lot with all of you guys as we move along so I expect your positive comments and feedback, I appreciate it.

Buen cultivo! (Spanish for good growing) :high-five:

Re: From sunny Spain: dual journal -indoor and outdoor grow

Hello Spanishdan and welcome!Nice looking set up and some sweet strains.Can't wait to see the outdoor girls.I'm subbing up and look forward to your journal. :welcome:
How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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Photo Gallery Guide: How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.

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