From seed help


Well-Known Member
Hey guys doing my first seed grow and things seem to be coming on but slowly..

Been sprouted now 14 days today and although looking healthy a friend is saying they should be 7'' tall by now where there where there about 3-4'', I have slightly over watered them my bad lol

Temps are around 23-25oc, humidity is 60-70%, in coco feeding nutes at 1.2EC, 96watt 6500k T5 light about an inch away from top of the plants, with a small fan circulating around the plans to move them slightly to thicken the stems up.

But a friend is telling me to leave them in a propigator, get a 250watt hps light over get temps high 20s, even in 30s light 3ft away from the plants and leave the spray the lid in propigator twice a day to get humidity to 90%+

I thought the way I'm doing it was fine but now I'm concerned


No offense, but I would recommend fact-checking everything your friend tells you. I'm not saying he is wrong, but it doesn't hurt to check. I think he was telling you how to grow weed from clones instead of from seed, because clones off of other plants will grow faster than seeds, and they need super humid conditions.(90%+). He is right about the benefits of upgrading to an HPS, but you do not need to keep a 250 watt light 3ft away. 12-18 inches away should be plenty of space to prevent heat stress and light burn. Hope this helps, and good luck!
IMO, your friend is wrong. The plant's first goal is to build roots. Big roots = big healthy plants.
On the other hand, small pots grow small plants. After two weeks they are probably ready to be up-potted.
Thanks for the advise, really great help and I appreciate it :)

Repotting is scheduled to be done next watering, he said put them straight into 15litre auto feed pots but think I'm gonna go a bit smaller before I put them in the final pots, although on the advise from you guys I may do repotting tomz as there's prob 3 days before next watering

I thought 90%+ was for cuttings personally, to help with rooting as they wouldn't feed off the leafs as much with you tending to cut the leafs to aid rooting

I knew they would be slightly slower with me using a 96watt T5 but when the temps have been crazy at times here the tent temps rocket so high, so got the t5 to use to stop the plants cooking, Slower growth is a small compromise lol prob should of bought a ballast to run at a lower percentage rather than buy a new light lol

If I'm honest I'm happy with how there going, not in a huge rush to flip them over, still got enough smoke to keep me going from the last grow

Thanks for the help
You can always knock one out of its cup to check the roots. If it is root bound, up-potting is definitely needed. Transplant when dry. The soil is light and won't tear up the roots. When wet, the soil swells and makes it more difficult to remove from the old pot with a greater chance of damage while moving them to the new pot. Once moved, water/drench COMPLETELY. I also score the root ball if it is tight.
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