Freenhouse or Indoor


New Member
ok guys the thing is that where i live it is usually warm in winter, for example today it got up 85 degrees, i have some babies in pots about a week old. So should i grow them in a greenhouse or indoors with grow lamps.
Re: greenhouse or indoor

That's my type of warmth also> 85 is common all years round here> what is the night temps down to? and how long of daylight is going this time of year?

You can regulate your cylce by keeping them indoors for 2 months under lights at 18 on/6 off,> what is the temp outside there in 2 months? You could them set them outdoors and let them go into flower if there is 14 or less hours of sunlight to use> Unless you have supplamental lighting in the greenhouse I think they would go automatically into bud. And nighttime temperature do not fall below 55>

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A Hui Hou
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