Framingham Airs Marijuana Restrictions

Ms. RedEye

Well-Known Member
Framington, MA - Officials last night took an initial step toward making Framingham the first town in the state to ban smoking marijuana in public.

The Board of Health detailed at its hearing last night how it wants to add smoking marijuana in restaurants, offices, or other public places to the town's antismoking ordinance, which imposes a fine of $50 for smoking a cigarette or cigar in public.

Backers say the ban would protect people from the harmful effects of THC-laced secondhand smoke, which, according to the measure, could cause severe discomfort and illness to nonsmokers, or aggravate allergies of those exposed to the smoke.

The ban being considered would also fine the owner of the establishment $100 for a first offense and $200 for a second. A third offense would cost $300 and the possible loss of any town-issued permits.

Speaking in opposition was James Pillsbury, who said he was a 39-year marijuana smoker.

"Cannabis smoke is not nearly as lethal as tobacco," Pillsbury said, asserting that carcinogenic additives in cigarettes are the source of the harm of second-hand smoke.

But Nelson Goldin, a board member, responded, "There is no reason to allow marijuana smoke in a restaurant or a place of public meeting."

The health board will hear more from the public during its Jan. 20 meeting, when it is expected to vote on the measure.

The passage of Question 2 in November, which made possession of less than an ounce of marijuana a civil offense punishable by a $100 fine, left open the question of public use of the drug. In response, the state released guidelines suggesting that individual communities deal with the issue.

"We will err on the side of caution, and that's our job," said Goldin, adding that enforcement of the provision is a police issue.

The town's Police Department could not be reached for comment.

Donald J. Wilson, director of the state municipal tobacco control technical assistance program, also attended the meeting and suggested the town add provisions to makes its antismoking ordinance in line with the statewide antismoking law, which has higher penalties.

News Hawk: MsRedEye: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: Boston Globe
Author: Matt Byrne
Copyright: 2009 Globe Newspaper Company
Contact: The Boston Globe - Contact Us
Website: Framingham airs marijuana restrictions - The Boston Globe
Why can't they make a reeferendum on the issue? I did a bit of research on smoking in private clubs and found that smoking bans are all over the state. This simply fits in line with concerns over a legal substance. Hence, it's hard to point to this activity and say that they're specifically targeting MJ users.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't medical marijuana users also eat the herb for the same effect? If that's the case, then the argument promoting the ability of medical users smoking in public buildings can be easily countered. In parks, or on the street, however, cars contribute more toxic fumes to pedestrians than tobacco smokers ever will, let alone smokers of the herb.
You don't have to eat just the bud. If you have a few plants, you can feed yourself the weed quite easily. Also, considering that a lot of drugs cost a lot more than weed, it's not all that expensive. I wonder what action there is going over with insurance companies. Is anyone trying to get them to pay for the prescriptions?
I'm not a big fan of Miss. Spelling. She's a terrible actress. But, sometimes it's hard to resist.

Whenever I try to crack a joke, I get punny eggs. And if I eat them, I get the puns.

Anyways, even if you casually know a grower, it's pretty easy to get free shake from them. The guys I know, when I go to visit them, they're always, "You want some shake? Here, take a garbage bag full." It's good for hippy crack, so why not? Sometimes you can spot a few little buds here and there that they missed. Well, I guess that's what happens when the people you know are family and they grow. It's been pretty rare that I had to pay for weed when I'm in BC or Nova Scotia. But here in Indonesia, I can't find a dime bag worth smoking to save my life.
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