

Well-Known Member
Hi All, my girl is now 5 weeks in flower is outdoors and it's getting Fox tails,I have read that it's due to temp and light ,it has been really hot lately and next weekend is the longest day for us .I read that you can put the plant on a 14 hour dark period to hurry up the harvest time ,my question is ,how long at 14 hours in dark will it take to finish grow ??? as you can see from the pik's she is really close!!
Cheers Kev


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She looks pregnant

Going to 10/14 will speed it up, I've had a 12 week strain finish in 10, but u started her in flower at 10/14
So flipping now won't be a huge difference

Foxtail can be....
Light stress
To long in flower

Lots of things
She looks pregnant

Going to 10/14 will speed it up, I've had a 12 week strain finish in 10, but u started her in flower at 10/14
So flipping now won't be a huge difference

Foxtail can be....
Light stress
To long in flower

Lots of things
Cheers , but she shouldn't be seeded she hasn't been near any males !!!! unless it is an immaculate conception !! lol
I have to ask. Did you grow these plants outside the entire time. Or, did you start them inside and then take them outside when they started to look like they were flowering?

Oh, do you know what the strain is? And, do you know if they are an auto-flowering or a photo-period plant.

Hi mate I just had a look and squeezed one of the seed pods and it is just full of white stamens no seeds!!
You mean it was filled with white pistils, right? Stamens are the male sex organ on most plants.

I had seen this same sort of flowering growth on someone else's outdoor plants just this past summer.

Have a good day.
I have to ask. Did you grow these plants outside the entire time. Or, did you start them inside and then take them outside when they started to look like they were flowering?

Oh, do you know what the strain is? And, do you know if they are an auto-flowering or a photo-period plant.

You mean it was filled with white pistils, right? Stamens are the male sex organ on most plants.

I had seen this same sort of flowering growth on someone else's outdoor plants just this past summer.

Have a good day.
Hi ,yeah outdoors full time ,strain is Thai and auto ,sorry got my pistils and stamens mixed up. c
@panel350 , I looked at 6 websites that had info on the Thai strain. None of them mentioned that it was an auto flowering strain. Info that was available gave this strain good reviews in regards to the effects it had. Growing info was a bit harder to come by but here are some of the basics. It is supposed to be a tall growing plant, often going over 10 feet. The plant prefers hot and tropical growing conditions. In the northern hemisphere it would be a strain that is ripe enough for harvest in late October if grown outside and it takes anywhere from 9 to 11 weeks if grown indoors.

A couple of the group members, @Chris Scorpio and @HugePeckerhead mentioned that it looks like there could be seeds and bring up the possibility that it became a hermaphrodite and produced a few male flowers. Young Marijuana seeds are white and soft. I have had a plant produce immature seeds even though there were no male plants around and none of the plants had become hermaphroditic. That seed was very white and soft and easy to squeeze flat.

You mention that the longest day of the year for you is next weekend and that weekend will be the shortest day of the year for those of us in the northern hemisphere.

My theory, for what it is worth, is that you have a photo-period plant. Maybe someone tried to cross breed a photo period Thai plant with something else that was an auto-period in hopes of creating auto Thai plants. Doing this does not necessarily mean that all the seeds from that crossing will produce auto-flowering plants. What I think happened is that your plant is a photo-period and started flowering 5-6 weeks ago because the day and night periods were close to the right length to produce the plant hormones that induce flowering. Then because the days were getting longer, and will continue to do so for another week, it stopped producing enough hormones to maintain flowering. That plant looks similar to many photos on this message board of plants that are returning to a vegetating state of growth.

Again, it is my theory, but you can bring the plant inside and control the light levels. Put it under a decent grow light with a timer set to come on for 12 hours every day then off for 12 hours. In other words, treat the plant like it is an photo period plant. If all goes right it should start producing more hormones to maintain flowering and will then go back into a full flowering stage. If it does I believe it will be ready for harvest in 6 to 8 weeks after you put it under a 12/12 light schedule.

Good Luck and Have Fun.
It would be best if you started at thread with the question. More people will see it that way versus asking it in a thread about flowers that look like they might have foxtailed. I personally have no problem when the topic of a thread drifts but your question will get better and quicker responses if you bring it up on its own and then let the discussion drift. Kind of like sitting around the patio table. Everything gets talked about eventually.

You need to mention if you are looking to grow clones or just keep growing from the same batch of seeds.

Mention if you will be growing in natural soil mixes or growing in a hydroponic set-up using just water or a set-up using other media to hold the roots.

Mention what kind of lights you will be using.
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